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object:0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature
book class:The Synthesis Of Yoga
author class:Sri Aurobindo
class:The Synthesis Of Yoga

Chapter II

The Three Steps of Nature


E RECOGNISE then, in the past developments of
Yoga, a specialising and separative tendency which, like all things in Nature, had its justifying and even imperative utility and we seek a synthesis of the specialised aims and methods which have, in consequence, come into being.

But in order that we may be wisely guided in our effort, we must know, first, the general principle and purpose underlying this separative impulse and, next, the particular utilities upon which the method of each school of Yoga is founded. For the general principle we must interrogate the universal workings of Nature herself, recognising in her no merely specious and illusive activity of a distorting Maya, but the cosmic energy and working of God Himself in His universal being formulating and inspired by a vast, an infinite and yet a minutely selective
Wisdom, prajna prasr.ta puran. of the Upanishad, Wisdom that went forth from the Eternal since the beginning. For the particular utilities we must cast a penetrative eye on the different methods of Yoga and distinguish among the mass of their details the governing idea which they serve and the radical force which gives birth and energy to their processes of effectuation.

Afterwards we may more easily find the one common principle and the one common power from which all derive their being and tendency, towards which all subconsciously move and in which, therefore, it is possible for all consciously to unite.

The progressive self-manifestation of Nature in man, termed in modern language his evolution, must necessarily depend upon three successive elements. There is that which is already evolved; there is that which, still imperfect, still partly fluid, is persistently in the stage of conscious evolution; and there is that which is to be evolved and may perhaps be already


The Conditions of the Synthesis
displayed, if not constantly, then occasionally or with some regularity of recurrence, in primary formations or in others more developed and, it may well be, even in some, however rare, that are near to the highest possible realisation of our present humanity. For the march of Nature is not drilled to a regular and mechanical forward stepping. She reaches constantly beyond herself even at the cost of subsequent deplorable retreats.

She has rushes; she has splendid and mighty outbursts; she has immense realisations. She storms sometimes passionately forward hoping to take the kingdom of heaven by violence.

And these self-exceedings are the revelation of that in her which is most divine or else most diabolical, but in either case the most puissant to bring her rapidly forward towards her goal.

That which Nature has evolved for us and has firmly founded is the bodily life. She has effected a certain combination and harmony of the two inferior but most fundamentally necessary elements of our action and progress upon earth, -
Matter, which, however the too ethereally spiritual may despise it, is our foundation and the first condition of all our energies and realisations, and the Life-Energy which is our means of existence in a material body and the basis there even of our mental and spiritual activities. She has successfully achieved a certain stability of her constant material movement which is at once sufficiently steady and durable and sufficiently pliable and mutable to provide a fit dwelling-place and instrument for the progressively manifesting god in humanity. This is what is meant by the fable in the Aitareya Upanishad which tells us that the gods rejected the animal forms successively offered to them by the Divine Self and only when man was produced, cried out, "This indeed is perfectly made," and consented to enter in. She has effected also a working compromise between the inertia of matter and the active Life that lives in and feeds on it, by which not only is vital existence sustained, but the fullest developments of mentality are rendered possible. This equilibrium constitutes the basic status of Nature in man and is termed in the language of Yoga his gross body composed

The Three Steps of Nature

of the material or food sheath and the nervous system or vital vehicle.1
If, then, this inferior equilibrium is the basis and first means of the higher movements which the universal Power contemplates and if it constitutes the vehicle in which the Divine here seeks to reveal Itself, if the Indian saying is true that the body is the instrument provided for the fulfilment of the right law of our nature, then any final recoil from the physical life must be a turning away from the completeness of the divine Wisdom and a renunciation of its aim in earthly manifestation. Such a refusal may be, owing to some secret law of their development, the right attitude for certain individuals, but never the aim intended for mankind. It can be, therefore, no integral Yoga which ignores the body or makes its annulment or its rejection indispensable to a perfect spirituality. Rather, the perfecting of the body also should be the last triumph of the Spirit and to make the bodily life also divine must be God's final seal upon His work in the universe. The obstacle which the physical presents to the spiritual is no argument for the rejection of the physical; for in the unseen providence of things our greatest difficulties are our best opportunities. A supreme difficulty is Nature's indication to us of a supreme conquest to be won and an ultimate problem to be solved; it is not a warning of an inextricable snare to be shunned or of an enemy too strong for us from whom we must flee.

Equally, the vital and nervous energies in us are there for a great utility; they too demand the divine realisation of their possibilities in our ultimate fulfilment. The great part assigned to this element in the universal scheme is powerfully emphasised by the catholic wisdom of the Upanishads. "As the spokes of a wheel in its nave, so in the Life-Energy is all established, the triple knowledge and the Sacrifice and the power of the strong and the purity of the wise. Under the control of the LifeEnergy is all this that is established in the triple heaven."2 It is therefore no integral Yoga that kills these vital energies, forces them into a nerveless quiescence or roots them out as the source
annakos.a and pran.akos.a.


Prasna Upanishad II. 6 and 13.


The Conditions of the Synthesis
of noxious activities. Their purification, not their destruction, - their transformation, control and utilisation is the aim in view with which they have been created and developed in us.

If the bodily life is what Nature has firmly evolved for us as her base and first instrument, it is our mental life that she is evolving as her immediate next aim and superior instrument. This in her ordinary exaltations is the lofty preoccupying thought in her; this, except in her periods of exhaustion and recoil into a reposeful and recuperating obscurity, is her constant pursuit wherever she can get free from the trammels of her first vital and physical realisations. For here in man we have a distinction which is of the utmost importance. He has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason. Mind in man is first emmeshed in the life of the body, where in the plant it is entirely involved and in animals always imprisoned. It accepts this life as not only the first but the whole condition of its activities and serves its needs as if they were the entire aim of existence. But the bodily life in man is a base, not the aim, his first condition and not his last determinant. In the just idea of the ancients man is essentially the thinker, the Manu, the mental being who leads the life and the body,3 not the animal who is led by them. The true human existence, therefore, only begins when the intellectual mentality emerges out of the material and we begin more and more to live in the mind independent of the nervous and physical obsession and in the measure of that liberty are able to accept rightly and rightly to use the life of the body. For freedom and not a skilful subjection is the true means of mastery. A free, not a compulsory acceptance of the conditions, the enlarged and sublimated conditions of our physical being, is the high human ideal. But beyond this intellectual mentality is the divine.

The mental life thus evolving in man is not, indeed, a
manomayah. pran.asarraneta. Mundaka Upanishad II. 2. 8.

The Three Steps of Nature

common possession. In actual appearance it would seem as if it were only developed to the fullest in individuals and as if there were great numbers and even the majority in whom it is either a small and ill-organised part of their normal nature or not evolved at all or latent and not easily made active.

Certainly, the mental life is not a finished evolution of Nature; it is not yet firmly founded in the human animal. The sign is that the fine and full equilibrium of vitality and matter, the sane, robust, long-lived human body is ordinarily found only in races or classes of men who reject the effort of thought, its disturbances, its tensions, or think only with the material mind.

Civilised man has yet to establish an equilibrium between the fully active mind and the body; he does not normally possess it.

Indeed, the increasing effort towards a more intense mental life seems to create, frequently, an increasing disequilibrium of the human elements, so that it is possible for eminent scientists to describe genius as a form of insanity, a result of degeneration, a pathological morbidity of Nature. The phenomena which are used to justify this exaggeration, when taken not separately, but in connection with all other relevant data, point to a different truth. Genius is one attempt of the universal Energy to so quicken and intensify our intellectual powers that they shall be prepared for those more puissant, direct and rapid faculties which constitute the play of the supra-intellectual or divine mind. It is not, then, a freak, an inexplicable phenomenon, but a perfectly natural next step in the right line of her evolution.

She has harmonised the bodily life with the material mind, she is harmonising it with the play of the intellectual mentality; for that, although it tends to a depression of the full animal and vital vigour, need not produce active disturbances. And she is shooting yet beyond in the attempt to reach a still higher level.

Nor are the disturbances created by her process as great as is often represented. Some of them are the crude beginnings of new manifestations; others are an easily corrected movement of disintegration, often fruitful of fresh activities and always a small price to pay for the far-reaching results that she has in view.

We may perhaps, if we consider all the circumstances, come


The Conditions of the Synthesis
to this conclusion that mental life, far from being a recent appearance in man, is the swift repetition in him of a previous achievement from which the Energy in the race had undergone one of her deplorable recoils. The savage is perhaps not so much the first forefa ther of civilised man as the degenerate descendant of a previous civilisation. For if the actuality of intellectual achievement is unevenly distributed, the capacity is spread everywhere. It has been seen that in individual cases even the racial type considered by us the lowest, the negro fresh from the perennial barbarism of Central Africa, is capable, without admixture of blood, without waiting for future generations, of the intellectual culture, if not yet of the intellectual accomplishment of the dominant European. Even in the mass men seem to need, in favourable circumstances, only a few generations to cover ground that ought apparently to be measured in the terms of millenniums. Either, then, man by his privilege as a mental being is exempt from the full burden of the tardy laws of evolution or else he already represents and with helpful conditions and in the right stimulating atmosphere can always display a high level of material capacity for the activities of the intellectual life.

It is not mental incapacity, but the long rejection or seclusion from opportunity and withdrawal of the awakening impulse that creates the savage. Barbarism is an intermediate sleep, not an original darkness.

Moreover the whole trend of modern thought and modern endeavour reveals itself to the observant eye as a large conscious effort of Nature in man to effect a general level of intellectual equipment, capacity and farther possibility by universalising the opportunities which modern civilisation affords for the mental life. Even the preoccupation of the European intellect, the protagonist of this tendency, with material Nature and the externalities of existence is a necessary part of the effort. It seeks to prepare a sufficient basis in man's physical being and vital energies and in his material environment for his full mental possibilities. By the spread of education, by the advance of the backward races, by the elevation of depressed classes, by the multiplication of labour-saving appliances, by the movement

The Three Steps of Nature

towards ideal social and economic conditions, by the labour of Science towards an improved health, longevity and sound physique in civilised humanity, the sense and drift of this vast movement translates itself in easily intelligible signs. The right or at least the ultimate means may not always be employed, but their aim is the right preliminary aim, - a sound individual and social body and the satisfaction of the legitimate needs and demands of the material mind, sufficient ease, leisure, equal opportunity, so that the whole of mankind and no longer only the favoured race, class or individual may be free to develop the emotional and intellectual being to its full capacity. At present the material and economic aim may predominate, but always, behind, there works or there waits in reserve the higher and major impulse.

And when the preliminary conditions are satisfied, when the great endeavour has found its base, what will be the nature of that farther possibility which the activities of the intellectual life must serve? If Mind is indeed Nature's highest term, then the entire development of the rational and imaginative intellect and the harmonious satisfaction of the emotions and sensibilities must be to themselves sufficient. But if, on the contrary, man is more than a reasoning and emotional animal, if beyond that which is being evolved, there is something that has to be evolved, then it may well be that the fullness of the mental life, the suppleness, flexibility and wide capacity of the intellect, the ordered richness of emotion and sensibility may be only a passage towards the development of a higher life and of more powerful faculties which are yet to manifest and to take possession of the lower instrument, just as mind itself has so taken possession of the body that the physical being no longer lives only for its own satisfaction but provides the foundation and the materials for a superior activity.

The assertion of a higher than the mental life is the whole foundation of Indian philosophy and its acquisition and organisation is the veritable object served by the methods of Yoga.

Mind is not the last term of evolution, not an ultimate aim, but, like body, an instrument. It is even so termed in the language of


The Conditions of the Synthesis

Yoga, the inner instrument.4 And Indian tradition asserts that this which is to be manifested is not a new term in human experience, but has been developed before and has even governed humanity in certain periods of its development. In any case, in order to be known it must at one time have been partly developed.

And if since then Nature has sunk back from her achievement, the reason must always be found in some unrealised harmony, some insufficiency of the intellectual and material basis to which she has now returned, some over-specialisation of the higher to the detriment of the lower existence.

But what then constitutes this higher or highest existence to which our evolution is tending? In order to answer the question we have to deal with a class of supreme experiences, a class of unusual conceptions which it is difficult to represent accurately in any other language than the ancient Sanskrit tongue in which alone they have been to some extent systematised.

The only approximate terms in the English language have other associations and their use may lead to many and even serious inaccuracies. The terminology of Yoga recognises besides the status of our physical and vital being, termed the gross body and doubly composed of the food sheath and the vital vehicle, besides the status of our mental being, termed the subtle body and singly composed of the mind sheath or mental vehicle,5 a third, supreme and divine status of supra-mental being, termed the causal body and composed of a fourth and a fifth vehicle6 which are described as those of knowledge and bliss. But this knowledge is not a systematised result of mental questionings and reasonings, not a temporary arrangement of conclusions and opinions in the terms of the highest probability, but rather a pure self-existent and self-luminous Truth. And this bliss is not a supreme pleasure of the heart and sensations with the experience of pain and sorrow as its background, but a delight also selfexistent and independent of objects and particular experiences, a self-delight which is the very nature, the very stuff, as it were, of a transcendent and infinite existence.



vijnanakos.a and anandakos.a.

The Three Steps of Nature


Do such psychological conceptions correspond to anything real and possible? All Yoga asserts them as its ultimate experience and supreme aim. They form the governing principles of our highest possible state of consciousness, our widest possible range of existence. There is, we say, a harmony of supreme faculties, corresponding roughly to the psychological faculties of revelation, inspiration and intuition, yet acting not in the intuitive reason or the divine mind, but on a still higher plane, which see Truth directly face to face, or rather live in the truth of things both universal and transcendent and are its formulation and luminous activity. And these faculties are the light of a conscious existence superseding the egoistic and itself both cosmic and transcendent, the nature of which is Bliss. These are obviously divine and, as man is at present apparently constituted, superhuman states of consciousness and activity. A trinity of transcendent existence, self-awareness and self-delight7 is, indeed, the metaphysical description of the supreme Atman, the self-formulation, to our awakened knowledge, of the Unknowable whether conceived as a pure Impersonality or as a cosmic Personality manifesting the universe. But in Yoga they are regarded also in their psychological aspects as states of subjective existence to which our waking consciousness is now alien, but which dwell in us in a superconscious plane and to which, therefore, we may always ascend.

For, as is indicated by the name, causal body (karan.a), as opposed to the two others which are instruments (karan.a), this crowning manifestation is also the source and effective power of all that in the actual evolution has preceded it. Our mental activities are, indeed, a derivation, selection and, so long as they are divided from the truth that is secretly their source, a deformation of the divine knowledge. Our sensations and emotions have the same relation to the Bliss, our vital forces and actions to the aspect of Will or Force assumed by the divine consciousness, our physical being to the pure essence of that Bliss and
Consciousness. The evolution which we observe and of which


The Conditions of the Synthesis
we are the terrestrial summit may be considered, in a sense, as an inverse manifestation, by which these supreme Powers in their unity and their diversity use, develop and perfect the imperfect substance and activities of Matter, of Life and of Mind so that they, the inferior modes, may express in mutable relativity an increasing harmony of the divine and eternal states from which they are born. If this be the truth of the universe, then the goal of evolution is also its cause, it is that which is immanent in its elements and out of them is liberated. But the liberation is surely imperfect if it is only an escape and there is no return upon the containing substance and activities to exalt and transform them.

The immanence itself would have no credible reason for being if it did not end in such a transfiguration. But if human mind can become capable of the glories of the divine Light, human emotion and sensibility can be transformed into the mould and assume the measure and movement of the supreme Bliss, human action not only represent but feel itself to be the motion of a divine and non-egoistic Force and the physical substance of our being sufficiently partake of the purity of the supernal essence, sufficiently unify plasticity and durable constancy to support and prolong these highest experiences and agencies, then all the long labour of Nature will end in a crowning justification and her evolutions reveal their profound significance.

So dazzling is even a glimpse of this supreme existence and so absorbing its attraction that, once seen, we feel readily justified in neglecting all else for its pursuit. Even, by an opposite exaggeration to that which sees all things in Mind and the mental life as an exclusive ideal, Mind comes to be regarded as an unworthy deformation and a supreme obstacle, the source of an illusory universe, a negation of the Truth and itself to be denied and all its works and results annulled if we desire the final liberation. But this is a half-truth which errs by regarding only the actual limitations of Mind and ignores its divine intention.

The ultimate knowledge is that which perceives and accepts God in the universe as well as beyond the universe; the integral Yoga is that which, having found the Transcendent, can return upon the universe and possess it, retaining the power freely to descend

The Three Steps of Nature

as well as ascend the great stair of existence. For if the eternal
Wisdom exists at all, the faculty of Mind also must have some high use and destiny. That use must depend on its place in the ascent and in the return and that destiny must be a fulfilment and transfiguration, not a rooting out or an annulling.

We perceive, then, these three steps in Nature, a bodily life which is the basis of our existence here in the material world, a mental life into which we emerge and by which we raise the bodily to higher uses and enlarge it into a greater completeness, and a divine existence which is at once the goal of the other two and returns upon them to liberate them into their highest possibilities. Regarding none of them as either beyond our reach or below our nature and the destruction of none of them as essential to the ultimate attainment, we accept this liberation and fulfilment as part at least and a large and important part of the aim of Yoga.

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   1 Sri Aurobindo


1:So dazzling is even a glimpse of this supreme existence and so absorbing its attraction that, once seen, we feel readily justified in neglecting all else for its pursuit. ~ Sri Aurobindo, TSOY, 0.02 - The Three Steps of Nature,

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Wikipedia - Earthsongs -- album by Secret Garden
Wikipedia - Eden Gardens -- Cricket ground in Kolkata, India
Wikipedia - Edificio Victory Garden -- Historic building in Santurce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Edmonton Gardens -- Indoor hockey arena built in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Edna Walling -- Australian gardener
Wikipedia - Edward Hyams -- British gardener and historian
Wikipedia - Edwards Gardens
Wikipedia - Egerton Gardens
Wikipedia - Eivind M-CM-^Xygarden -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Ekamra Kanan -- Botanical garden in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Eleanor Perenyi -- American gardener and essayist
Wikipedia - Elizabeth Street Garden -- Community garden in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Elsie Reford -- Canadian gardener
Wikipedia - Embassy Gardens
Wikipedia - Emily Louisa Merielina White -- New Zealand gardener and writer
Wikipedia - Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone -- Seismic fault in the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Escape from the Shadow Garden - Live 2014 -- album by Magnum
Wikipedia - Evelina van Millingen -- Hostess, a cultivator of gardens, and a novelist
Wikipedia - Falcon's Fury -- Drop tower attraction at Busch Gardens Tampa amusement park
Wikipedia - Fanny Wilkinson -- British landscape gardener and college principal (1855-1951)
Wikipedia - Federico Garcia Lorca Garden (Paris) -- Urban park in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Fell on Black Days -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Fenton House -- 17th-century house with walled garden
Wikipedia - Fields and Gardens poetry -- Classical Chinese poetry genre
Wikipedia - Florida Memorial University -- Historically Black university in Miami Gardens, Florida
Wikipedia - Flower Garden station -- Rail station in China
Wikipedia - Flower (Soundgarden song) -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Fools Garden -- German rock band
Wikipedia - Forbury Gardens -- Park in Reading, England
Wikipedia - Forest gardening
Wikipedia - Forstbotanischer Garten Koln -- Botanical garden in Germany
Wikipedia - Frances Garnet Wolseley, 2nd Viscountess Wolseley -- Gardener and author (1872-1936)
Wikipedia - Frances Perry -- British garden writer
Wikipedia - Frederick Frye Rockwell -- American garden writer
Wikipedia - Free State National Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden just outside Bloemfontein
Wikipedia - Fruit in the Neighbour's Garden (1935 film) -- 1935 film
Wikipedia - Fruit in the Neighbour's Garden (1956 film) -- 1956 film
Wikipedia - Gabrielle van Zuylen -- Franco-Dutch garden writer
Wikipedia - Garden at Bordighera, Morning -- 1884 painting by Claude Monet
Wikipedia - Gardena Valley News -- Weekly newspaper in Gardena, California
Wikipedia - Garden Bridge -- Proposed pedestrian bridge in London, England
Wikipedia - Garden carpet -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Garden City, Cairo -- Wealthy, residential district in Central Cairo
Wikipedia - Garden City-Mitchel Field Secondary -- Long Island Rail Road branch
Wikipedia - Garden city movement -- Urban planning movement
Wikipedia - Garden City, New York
Wikipedia - Garden City Shopping Centre (Winnipeg) -- Regional shopping centre in West Kildonan (Winnipeg), Manitoba
Wikipedia - Garden City University -- Private university in Bangalore, India
Wikipedia - Garden City, Winnipeg -- Neighbourhood of West Kildonan (Winnipeg)
Wikipedia - Garden Court Apartments (Los Angeles, California) -- Former apartment building located in Los Angeles, California, United States
Wikipedia - Garden Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador -- Village in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Garden cress -- Species of edible herb
Wikipedia - Garden dart -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Garden design
Wikipedia - Garden emerald -- Species of bird
Wikipedia - Gardener -- Person who tends gardens
Wikipedia - Garden Expo Park station -- Beijing Subway station
Wikipedia - Garden gnome -- Statue of a dwarf-like creature intended as a garden ornament
Wikipedia - Garden gun -- Type of small bore shotguns commonly used by gardeners and farmers for pest control
Wikipedia - Garden hermit
Wikipedia - Garden Hill, Hong Kong -- Hill in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Gardenia Bakeries Philippines -- Manufacturing company in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Gardenia -- Genus of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Gardenieae -- Tribe of flowering plants in the coffee family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Gardenie (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Gardening at Night -- Song by R.E.M
Wikipedia - Gardening (cryptanalysis)
Wikipedia - Gardening -- Practice of growing and cultivating plants
Wikipedia - Garden Island (Tamar River) -- Tied island
Wikipedia - Garden Key Light -- Lighthouse in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Garden Mountain Cluster -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Garden Networks
Wikipedia - Garden Oaks, Houston
Wikipedia - Garden of 10 and 11 Downing Street -- Garden behind UK prime minister's official residence
Wikipedia - Garden of Cosmic Speculation
Wikipedia - Garden of Eden (1954 film) -- 1954 film by Max Nosseck
Wikipedia - Garden of Eden (cellular automaton) -- Type of pattern that has no predecessors
Wikipedia - Garden of Eden -- biblical "garden of God"
Wikipedia - Garden of Evil -- 1954 film by Henry Hathaway
Wikipedia - Garden of Gethsemane
Wikipedia - Garden of Morning Calm -- Arboretum
Wikipedia - Garden of Remembrance (Belfast) -- Memorial garden in Belfast
Wikipedia - Garden of Ridvan, Baghdad -- Garden in Baghdad, where BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Garden of Silence -- Meditative space in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Garden of the Moon (film) -- 1938 film by Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Garden of the Righteous, Warsaw -- Memorial site in Poland
Wikipedia - Garden Organic -- UK charity dedicated to organic gardening, farming and food
Wikipedia - Garden Park -- Multi-use stadium in Kitwe, Zambia
Wikipedia - Garden-path sentence -- Sentence that starts in a way that a reader's likely interpretation will be wrong
Wikipedia - Garden Reach Shipbuilders > Engineers
Wikipedia - Garden Ring -- Circular ring road avenue around central Moscow
Wikipedia - Garden roses -- Ornamental roses
Wikipedia - Garden Route Botanical Garden -- Botanical Garden in George, Western Cape
Wikipedia - Garden Route National Park -- Coastal national park in the Garden Route region of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces in South Africa
Wikipedia - Gardens by the Bay -- Urban nature park in Singapore
Wikipedia - Gardenscapes: New Acres -- Mobile game
Wikipedia - Gardens, Cape Town -- Inner-city suburb of Cape Town in Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Gardens of Bomarzo
Wikipedia - Gardens of Stone -- 1987 film by Francis Ford Coppola
Wikipedia - Gardens of the Moon
Wikipedia - Gardens of the World -- Botanical garden in Thousand Oaks, California
Wikipedia - Gardens of Vatican City
Wikipedia - Garden Song (Phoebe Bridgers song) -- 2020 single by Phoebe Bridgers
Wikipedia - Gardens Shul -- Jewish religious building in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Garden State Parkway -- Highway in New Jersey
Wikipedia - Garden State Plaza -- shopping mall in Paramus, New Jersey
Wikipedia - Garden State Quartet -- Barbershop quartet
Wikipedia - Garden strawberry
Wikipedia - Garden tiger moth -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Gardenton, Manitoba -- Human settlement in Manitoba, Canada
Wikipedia - Garden tourism -- Tourism about gardening history
Wikipedia - Garden -- Planned space for displaying plants and other forms of nature
Wikipedia - Gazebo -- Pavilion structure built in a park, garden or public area
Wikipedia - Geilston Garden -- Garden in Argyll and Bute
Wikipedia - Georgengarten -- Landscape garden in the borough of Herrenhausen of the German city Hannover
Wikipedia - Gerry Austgarden -- Canadian wheelchair curler
Wikipedia - Gerry Daly (gardener) -- Irish Horticulturist and media personality
Wikipedia - GewM-CM-$chshaus fur tropische Nutzpflanzen -- Botanical garden in Hesse, Germany
Wikipedia - Giardini Botanici di Stigliano -- Botanical gardens in Italy
Wikipedia - Giardino Botanico Ponziano -- Private botanical garden in Italy
Wikipedia - Giardino dell'Iris -- Botanical garden in Florence, Italy, specializing in the cultivation of iris flowers
Wikipedia - Giardino Montano dell' Orecchiella -- Botanical garden in Italy
Wikipedia - Gibran Khalil Gibran Garden -- Public garden in Beirut, Lebanon
Wikipedia - Gilgal Sculpture Garden -- Park in Salt Lake City, Utah
Wikipedia - Giza Zoo -- Zoological garden in Giza, Egypt
Wikipedia - Goodview Garden stop -- Light rail stop in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Government Rose Garden, Ooty -- Rose garden in Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Graeme Garden -- British comedian and actor
Wikipedia - Graham Stuart Thomas -- English horticulturalist and garden designer
Wikipedia - Graves into Gardens -- Live album by Elevation Worship
Wikipedia - Grey Gardens (2009 film) -- 2009 HBO film directed by Michael Sucsy
Wikipedia - Grey Gardens (estate) -- house in East Hampton, New York
Wikipedia - Grey Gardens -- 1975 documentary film by David Maysles, Albert Maysles
Wikipedia - Guerrilla gardening -- Act of gardening on land that the gardeners do not have the legal rights to cultivate
Wikipedia - Gurney's Seed and Nursery Company -- Garden company in Indiana, USA
Wikipedia - Guyana Botanical Gardens -- Botanical garden in Georgetown, Guyana
Wikipedia - Habitat garden
Wikipedia - Hands All Over (Soundgarden song) -- 1990 single by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Hanging garden (cultivation) -- Artistic garden or small urban farm that is attached to or built on a wall
Wikipedia - Hanging Gardens of Babylon -- One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Wikipedia - Hantam National Botanical Garden -- Botanical Garden just outside Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Harcourt Garden -- Park in Admiralty, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Harmas de Fabre -- Garden in Vaucluse, France
Wikipedia - Harold Porter National Botanical Garden -- Conservation area at Betty's Bay in the Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Harris Garden -- UK university botanical garden
Wikipedia - Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies -- Annual directory of London prostitutes (1757-1795)
Wikipedia - Harvey S. Ladew -- American gardener (1887-1976)
Wikipedia - Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary -- 2015 theft from an underground vault in Holborn, London
Wikipedia - Hatton Garden -- Street and area in Holborn, London
Wikipedia - Hawaiian garden eel -- Eel in the family Congridae
Wikipedia - Helen Dillon -- Scottish and Irish gardener and media personality
Wikipedia - Henrietta Phipps -- British landscape gardener
Wikipedia - Henry Hoare -- British banker, politician, and garden designer, died 1785
Wikipedia - Herb garden
Wikipedia - Herman Gardens -- Former public housing project located in Detroit, Michigan, United States
Wikipedia - Herrenhausen Gardens -- Park in Hanover, Germany
Wikipedia - HGTV (British and Irish TV channel) -- Television channel about homes and gardens
Wikipedia - Hialeah Gardens, Florida -- City in Florida
Wikipedia - Hill of Tarvit -- Mansion house and gardens in Fife, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens -- Decorative arts museum in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - Hilton Garden Inn Kampala -- Ugandan hotel
Wikipedia - Hilton Garden Inn -- Upscale hotel chain run by Hilton Worldwide
Wikipedia - Hirofumi Suga (Japanese garden designer) -- Japanese garden designer
Wikipedia - Historic garden conservation
Wikipedia - Historic Garden Week -- Annual event and organization
Wikipedia - Hold Me (Savage Garden song) -- 2000 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - Homebase -- British home improvement retailer and garden centre
Wikipedia - Homes & Gardens -- Monthly interior design and garden design magazine
Wikipedia - Hong Kong Garden -- Housing estate in Tsing Lung Tau, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Horti Liciniani -- set of gardens in ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Hotel-Lamoignon - Mark Ashton Garden -- Urban park in Paris, France
Wikipedia - House & Garden (plays) -- Two plays written by Alan Ayckbourn to be performed simultaneously
Wikipedia - Houston Gardens, Houston
Wikipedia - Huaku Sky Garden -- Residential skyscraper in Shilin District of Taipei, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Hull Botanic Gardens railway station -- Disused railway station in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Hunted Down -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Hunte's Gardens -- Botanical garden in St Joseph Area of central Barbados
Wikipedia - Huntington Library -- American library, art museum, and garden in California
Wikipedia - I Knew I Loved You -- 1999 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - In a Lotus Garden -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - In a Monastery Garden (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Incredible Edible -- Urban gardening project
Wikipedia - Index of gardening articles -- Wikipedia index
Wikipedia - Indian Botanical Gardens
Wikipedia - In My Father's Garden -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Innisfree Garden -- Historic Chinese-style garden near Millbrook, New York, USA
Wikipedia - In the Garden of Beasts -- Book by Erik Larson
Wikipedia - In the Night Garden... -- British television series
Wikipedia - Irish National War Memorial Gardens -- World War One memorial in Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Islamic garden
Wikipedia - Island Gardens DLR station -- Docklands Light Railway station
Wikipedia - Isui-en -- Meiji era garden in Nara, Japan
Wikipedia - Italian Renaissance garden
Wikipedia - I Want You (Savage Garden song) -- 1996 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - Jacqueline Kennedy Garden -- Garden outside the White House in Washington, DC, United States
Wikipedia - Jamaica Kincaid -- Antiguan-American novelist, essayist, gardener, and gardening writer
Wikipedia - James Clark (horticulturist) -- English market gardener and horticulturist
Wikipedia - James Wong (ethnobotanist) -- British ethnobotanist, garden designer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Japanese Garden, Singapore -- Park in Jurong East, Singapore
Wikipedia - Japanese garden -- Type of traditional garden
Wikipedia - Jardin botanique de la Presle -- Botanical garden located in La Presle, France
Wikipedia - Jardin botanique de la Villa Thuret -- Renowned French botanical garden on the Cote d'Azur
Wikipedia - Jardin Dominique Alexandre Godron -- Botanical garden in France
Wikipedia - Jean-Kersley Gardenne -- Mauritian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Jesus Christ Pose -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Ji Cheng (Ming dynasty) -- Chinese garden designer
Wikipedia - Joan Roughgarden
Wikipedia - Jody Rigby -- Australian gardener and television personality
Wikipedia - Joe Garden -- American comedy writer
Wikipedia - Joe Maiden -- British gardener (1941-2015)
Wikipedia - Johannesburg Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in Emmarentia, Johannesburg, South Africa
Wikipedia - John Gardener (MP for Melcombe Regis) -- 15th-century English politician
Wikipedia - John Lindley -- English botanist, gardener and orchidologist (1799-1865)
Wikipedia - Jo Ryo En Japanese Garden -- Japanese garden at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Joseph Paxton -- English gardener, architect and Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Joseph "Pleasant Gardens" McDowell -- American politician
Wikipedia - Jubilee Garden (Hong Kong) -- Housing estate in Shatin, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Jumeirah Garden City
Wikipedia - Kahlil Gibran Memorial Garden
Wikipedia - Kamiakin's Gardens -- First place to be irrigated in the Yakima River valley
Wikipedia - Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden -- A botanical garden for plants of arid regions at the foot of the Hex River Mountains in the town of Worcester, South Africa
Wikipedia - Kashmere Gardens, Houston
Wikipedia - KBEH -- Religious TV station in Garden Grove, California
Wikipedia - KEBN -- Radio station in Garden Grove, California, United States
Wikipedia - Kensington Court Gardens -- Late Victorian apartment building
Wikipedia - Kensington Roof Gardens -- Private planted area and former open-air nightclub on top of the former Derry & Toms building on Kensington High Street in central London, England
Wikipedia - Kermit Bloomgarden -- American theatre producer
Wikipedia - Kershaw Gardens -- Botanical garden in Queensland Australia
Wikipedia - Keukenhof -- Flower garden in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Kew Gardens Hills, Queens -- Neighborhood in Queens, New York City
Wikipedia - Kew Gardens station (LIRR) -- Long Island Rail Road station in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Kew Gardens station (London) -- London Underground and London Overground station
Wikipedia - Kew Gardens train crash -- Railway accident on the Long Island Rail Road in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Kew Gardens -- World's largest collection of living plants in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Wikipedia - KFZX -- Radio station in Gardendale-Midland/Odessa, Texas
Wikipedia - Khurpa -- gardening tool
Wikipedia - Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden at the foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town
Wikipedia - KKJQ -- FM radio station in Garden City, Kansas
Wikipedia - KM-EM-^Mko-en -- Japanese garden
Wikipedia - Knut (polar bear) -- A polar bear born in captivity at the Berlin Zoological Garden
Wikipedia - Korean Gardens
Wikipedia - Korean garden
Wikipedia - Kronprinsessegade 6 -- Neoclassical property overlooking Rosenborg Castle Garden in central Copenhagen, Denmark
Wikipedia - KSNG -- NBC/Telemundo affiliate in Garden City, Kansas
Wikipedia - Kunai -- Japanese gardening and masonry tool adapted as a weapon
Wikipedia - KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Wikipedia - KWKR -- Radio station in Leoti-Garden City, Kansas
Wikipedia - Kwun Tong Garden Estate -- Housing estate in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Laila M-CM-^Xygarden -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Larchill -- Ferme ornee garden in County Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Lawn sweeper -- Garden tool that collects lawn debris in a hopper
Wikipedia - Lemon Tree (Fool's Garden song) -- 1995 single by Fool's Garden
Wikipedia - Lily Champ -- Irish writer about history and gardening
Wikipedia - Linda Garden -- Australian athlete
Wikipedia - Linnaean Garden
Wikipedia - Linnaeus Arboretum -- Botanic garden in United States
Wikipedia - List of Adelaide parks and gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit camellias -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit clematis -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit dahlias -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit dianthus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit flowering cherries -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit magnolias -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit maples -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit narcissus -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit rhododendrons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit roses -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Award of Garden Merit tulips -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Hawaii -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens and arboretums in the United States -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Australia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Canada -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Egypt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Germany -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Hungary -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Kenya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Lithuania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in South Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in Tamil Nadu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens in the United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of botanical gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Chinese gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gardener-botanist explorers of the Enlightenment -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of garden features -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of garden plants -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gardens in England -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gardens in Italy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gardens of Alsace -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of garden types -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of horticulture and gardening books/publications -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries at Sophia Gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of international cricket centuries at the Eden Gardens -- Cricket centuries at a stadium
Wikipedia - List of international cricket five-wicket hauls at Eden Gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of In the Night Garden... characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of In the Night Garden... episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Japanese gardens in the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of landscape gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of New York City gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of organic gardening and farming topics
Wikipedia - List of original copies of the Porter Garden Telescope -- Ornamental garden telescope from the 1920s
Wikipedia - List of Over the Garden Wall characters -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Berlin -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Hamburg -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Karachi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Malaysia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Malta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Pakistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Paris -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks and gardens in Tokyo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of parks, gardens and open spaces in Norwich -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of plants in the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of private residents of Covent Garden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of professional gardeners -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public art in Covent Garden -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of public art in Kensington Gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Red Garden episodes -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Remarkable Gardens of France -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of sensory gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of ships named Gardenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of snowdrop gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of urban public parks and gardens in Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of U.S. state and territory plants and botanical gardens -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of zoological gardens and aquariums in United Kingdom -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Live to Rise -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Living Desert Zoo and Gardens -- Botanical garden and zoo in Riverside County, California
Wikipedia - Liz Christy Garden -- Community garden in New York City
Wikipedia - Lloyd Square -- garden square in London
Wikipedia - Lockwood Gardens, Oakland, California -- Housing project and neighborhood in Oakland, California, United States
Wikipedia - Longwood Gardens -- Botanical garden in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Zoo -- Public zoo and botanical garden
Wikipedia - Loud Love -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Louisa Boyd Yeomans King -- American gardener, author, and advocate of gardening and horticulture
Wikipedia - Louis Raymond (horticulturalist) -- American landscape and garden designer (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Louisville Gardens -- Arena in Kentucky, United States
Wikipedia - Love Land (South Korea) -- Sculpture garden
Wikipedia - Lowveld National Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden near Mbombela in Mpumalanga, South Africa
Wikipedia - LuEsther T. Mertz Library -- New York Botanical Garden library
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (1879) -- Former arena in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (1890) -- Former arena in Manhattan, New York
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (1925) -- Arena in New York, United States
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden Bowl -- Former outdoor arena in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden (film) -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - Madison Square Garden -- Multi-purpose indoor arena in New York City, New York, United States
Wikipedia - Mag Garden -- Japanese publishing company
Wikipedia - Maggie Baylis -- American garden writer, architect, and graphic designer
Wikipedia - Makana Botanical Gardens -- Botanical gardens in Grahamstown, South Africa
Wikipedia - Makino Memorial Garden -- A memorial garden in Japan
Wikipedia - Maliya -- Hittite goddess of gardens
Wikipedia - Mamre Nature Garden -- Nature reserve in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Manhattan Beach Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden at Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach, California
Wikipedia - Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in Pretoria, South Africa
Wikipedia - Maple Leaf Gardens -- Former indoor arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, later re-built into grocery store and athletic centre
Wikipedia - Margaret Owen (plantswoman) -- English farmer and gardener (1930-2014)
Wikipedia - Margery Fish -- Garden writer and horticulturalist
Wikipedia - Marianne Majerus -- Specialist garden photographer
Wikipedia - Markaz Garden -- Islamic seminari at Kozhikode in poonoor, Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Martha King -- New Zealand botanical artist, teacher and gardener (1803 - 1897)
Wikipedia - Mary Reynolds (landscape designer) -- Irish gardener, landscape architect and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Mary Wilde, Baroness Penzance -- English gardener
Wikipedia - Master gardener program -- American volunteer program
Wikipedia - Matsue English Garden Mae Station -- Railway station in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Wikipedia - M-CM-^S Pai, M-CM-^S -- 2007 film directed by Monique Gardenberg
Wikipedia - Mehtab Bagh -- Charbagh garden in Agra, India, opposite the Taj Mahal
Wikipedia - Mel Broughton -- British landscape gardener
Wikipedia - Melody Garden stop -- Light rail stop in Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Arles) -- Oil painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Menagerie -- Form of keeping common and exotic animals in captivity that preceded the modern zoological garden
Wikipedia - MGM Grand Garden Arena -- Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Wikipedia - Mickey's Garden -- 1935 Mickey Mouse cartoon
Wikipedia - Microtubing -- Very fine plastic tubing used in drip irrigation, typically in gardens and greenhouses
Wikipedia - Mien Ruys -- Dutch landscape and garden architect
Wikipedia - Minchenden Oak Garden -- Public park in Southgate, London, England
Wikipedia - Miranda Sex Garden
Wikipedia - Montoso Gardens -- Farm and plant nursery in Maricao, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Montu (roller coaster) -- Amusement ride at Busch Gardens Tampa
Wikipedia - Monty Don's French Gardens -- British television show
Wikipedia - Monty Don's Italian Gardens -- British documentary television series
Wikipedia - Monty Don's Paradise Gardens -- UK television series
Wikipedia - Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences -- Botanical garden in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Mount Holyoke College Botanic Garden -- Gardens in Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Mountjoy Square -- Georgian garden square in Dublin, Ireland,
Wikipedia - Murder at Covent Garden -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - My Wave -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Nancy Garden -- American fiction writer
Wikipedia - Nandankanan Zoological Park -- Zoo and botanical garden in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Nani Mau Gardens -- Botanical gardens in Hilo, Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Naseem Bagh -- Garden in Srinagar
Wikipedia - Naseem Garden -- Park in Oman
Wikipedia - National Botanic Gardens (Ireland)
Wikipedia - National Botanic Gardens Shah Alam -- Botanic gardens in Selangor, Malaysia
Wikipedia - National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens -- UK botanical conservation organisation
Wikipedia - National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden -- Sculpture garden in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - National Garden, Athens
Wikipedia - National Garden of American Heroes -- Proposed monument
Wikipedia - National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens -- Botanical garden in Burma
Wikipedia - National Rhododendron Gardens -- Botanical garden
Wikipedia - Nek Chand -- Indian artist, known for building the Rock Garden of Chandigarh
Wikipedia - Nemours Mansion and Gardens -- Estate in Wilmington, Delaware
Wikipedia - New York Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in the Bronx, New York City
Wikipedia - Night Garden -- 2020 single by Benee featuring Bakar and Kenny Beats
Wikipedia - Niigata Prefectural Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in Niigata, Japan
Wikipedia - Ninian Niven -- Scottish horticulturist and landscape gardener
Wikipedia - Nishat Bagh -- Terraced Mughal garden at Dal Lake, near Srinagar, Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Norfolk Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in Norfolk, Virginia
Wikipedia - North Carolina Arboretum -- Arboretum and botanical garden in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - North-West University Botanical Garden -- Botanical Garden on the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University
Wikipedia - Nunobiki Herb Garden -- Herb garden in Kobe, Japan
Wikipedia - Oasis Skyway Garden Hotel -- Skyscraper hotel in Luwan District, Shanghai, China
Wikipedia - Octopus's Garden -- Original song written and composed by Ringo Starr
Wikipedia - Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden -- Zoo and botanical garden in Oklahoma City, United States
Wikipedia - Olbrich Botanical Gardens -- Botanical garden in Madison, Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Olive Garden -- American restaurant chain
Wikipedia - Operation Market Garden order of battle -- Military units involved in Operation Market Garden
Wikipedia - Operation Market Garden -- World War II military operation
Wikipedia - Orange Garden, Rome -- garden in Rome, Italy with excellent views of the city
Wikipedia - Orto botanico di Padova -- Botanical garden in Padua, Italy
Wikipedia - Orto botanico di Pisa -- Botanic garden and museum in Italy
Wikipedia - Out in the Garden
Wikipedia - Outshined -- 1991 single by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Over the Garden Wall (1919 film) -- 1919 silent romantic comedy film by David Smith
Wikipedia - Over the Garden Wall (1950 film) -- 1950 British comedy film directed by John E. Blakeley
Wikipedia - Over the Garden Wall -- American animated television miniseries
Wikipedia - P. Allen Smith -- American TV host, designer, and gardening expert
Wikipedia - Palm house -- Greenhouse in Kew Gardens
Wikipedia - Pantheon (roller coaster) -- Launched roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wikipedia - Parade Gardens -- Park in Bath, England
Wikipedia - Paradise garden -- Form of garden of Old Iranian origin
Wikipedia - Parc de Wesserling -- town private garden
Wikipedia - Parc Oriental de MaulM-CM-)vrier -- Garden in France
Wikipedia - Parsons Arboretum -- Garden
Wikipedia - Parterre -- Formal garden feature of symmetrical and level plant beds with gravel paths laid between
Wikipedia - Paul Wheaton -- American permaculture author, master gardener, software engineer, and author
Wikipedia - Pekarangan -- A type of home garden developed in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Pelham Gardens, Bronx -- Neighborhood in The Bronx, New York City
Wikipedia - Penang Botanic Gardens -- Public park in George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Percy Thrower -- British gardener, horticulturist, broadcaster and writer
Wikipedia - Pergola -- Outdoor garden feature forming a shaded walkway
Wikipedia - Persian gardens -- Type of garden originating from Iran
Wikipedia - Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Wikipedia - Philbeach Gardens -- Garden square in Earl's Court, London
Wikipedia - Phocas the Gardener
Wikipedia - Plantation Garden, Norwich -- Victorian town garden in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare -- 2014 third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Portal:Gardening
Wikipedia - Positec -- Power and garden tool manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Potomac Gardens -- Public housing project in Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Pretoria National Botanical Garden -- Garden in eastern Pretoria, Gauteng
Wikipedia - Pretty Noose -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Primrose Harley -- British painter and gardener
Wikipedia - Pukekura Park -- Botanic garden and park
Wikipedia - Qiuxia Garden -- Garden in Jiading, in the North of Shanghai
Wikipedia - Queens Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in New York City
Wikipedia - Queen's Gardens, Westminster -- Garden square in City of Westminster, London, UK
Wikipedia - Rae Selling Berry -- American gardener
Wikipedia - Rain garden
Wikipedia - Ranelagh Gardens, Liverpool -- British amusement part established in the 18th century
Wikipedia - Ray Castoldi -- Organist at Madison Square Garden
Wikipedia - REAL School Gardens -- 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Wikipedia - Reginald Farrer -- British gardener
Wikipedia - Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England -- Listing and classification system for historic parks and gardens in England
Wikipedia - Reiman Gardens
Wikipedia - Rhinosaur -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - RHS Garden Bridgewater -- Future public garden in Greater Manchester, England
Wikipedia - RHS Garden Harlow Carr -- Public garden in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - RHS Garden Hyde Hall -- Public garden in Essex, England
Wikipedia - RHS Garden Rosemoor -- Public garden in Devon, England
Wikipedia - RHS Garden, Wisley -- Public garden in Surrey, England
Wikipedia - Richard Anthony Salisbury -- British botanist and gardener (1761-1829)
Wikipedia - Robert Hart (horticulturist) -- British gardener
Wikipedia - Robert Marnock -- British horticulturalist and garden designer
Wikipedia - Robert T. Webb Sculpture Garden -- Park in Dalton, Georgia, U.S.
Wikipedia - Robin Lane Fox -- British historian, educator, writer, gardener
Wikipedia - Rock Garden of Chandigarh -- Sculpture garden in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Rock garden -- Garden with rocky soil
Wikipedia - Rockwell Gardens -- Former public housing development in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Roger Cook (landscaper) -- American garden and landscape contractor and television personality
Wikipedia - Roman Ingarden
Wikipedia - Ron Finley -- American fashion designer and urban gardener
Wikipedia - Roof garden -- Planted area on the top covering of a building
Wikipedia - Room a Thousand Years Wide -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Roosevelt Field (shopping mall) -- Shopping mall in Garden City, Long Island, New York, USA
Wikipedia - Rosehill Gardens Racecourse -- Horse racecourse in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Round and Round the Garden -- Traditional song
Wikipedia - Royal Botanical Gardens (Ontario)
Wikipedia - Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya
Wikipedia - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh -- Botanical garden in Edinburgh, Scotland
Wikipedia - Royal Horticultural Society -- Registered charity in the UK which promotes gardening and horticulture
Wikipedia - Royal Library Garden, Copenhagen
Wikipedia - Royal Opera House -- opera house and major performing arts venue in Covent Garden, central London
Wikipedia - Royal Pump Room Gardens -- Open space in centre of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England
Wikipedia - Roy Diblik -- American garden designer
Wikipedia - Roy Garden -- Zimbabwean bowls player
Wikipedia - Ruislip Gardens tube station -- London Underground station
Wikipedia - Russell Square -- Large garden square in London, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Rusty Cage -- 1992 single by Soundgarden
Row cover - In agriculture and gardening, row cover is any transparent or semi-transparent, flexible material, like fabric or plastic sheeting, used as a protective covering to shield plants, usually vegetables, primarily from the undesirable effects of cold and wind, and also from insect damage.[1] In addition to reducing the drying effect of wind, row cover can provide a limited amount of warming by the same effect that cold frames, greenhouses, and polytunnels produce, creating a microclimate for the plants.
Wikipedia - Sacred garden
Wikipedia - Samuel Major Gardenhire -- American novelist
Wikipedia - San Juan Botanical Garden -- 300-acre urban garden in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Sara Garden Armstrong -- American artist
Wikipedia - Sarah Harper Heard -- American educator, activist, librarian, and gardener
Wikipedia - Sceneway Garden -- Housing estate in Lam Tin, Kowloon
Wikipedia - Secret Garden (Gackt song) -- 2000 single by Gackt
Wikipedia - Secret Garden (South Korean TV series) -- 2010 South Korean TV series
Wikipedia - Semiramis InterContinental Hotel -- Complex located in Garden City, Cairo, Egypt
Wikipedia - Serengeti Express -- Narrow gauge heritage railway and attraction at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida
Wikipedia - Serenus the Gardener
Wikipedia - Shahi Bagh -- Garden in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Shakespeare garden
Wikipedia - Shalamar Gardens, Lahore -- Mughal garden complex in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Shalimar Bagh, Srinagar -- Mughal garden at Dal Lake, Srinagar, Kashmir
Wikipedia - Shalimar Gardens (Lahore)
Wikipedia - SheiKra -- Bolliger & Mabillard steel Dive Coaster roller coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Wikipedia - Shrubbery -- Wide border to a garden where shrubs are thickly planted
Wikipedia - Shute House, Donhead St Mary -- Famous garden in England
Wikipedia - Silesian Zoological Garden -- Zoological garden in the Katowice and Chorzow districts of Silesia, Poland
Wikipedia - Simon Milne -- 16th Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Wikipedia - Simplicity Manufacturing Company -- American manufacturer of lawn and garden equipment
Wikipedia - Singapore Botanic Gardens -- 161-year-old tropical garden located in Singapore
Wikipedia - Sissinghurst Castle Garden -- Famous garden in England
Wikipedia - Slaves & Bulldozers -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden
Wikipedia - Sophia Gardens (cricket ground) -- Cricket stadium
Wikipedia - Soswaewon -- Garden
Wikipedia - Soundgarden discography -- Discography
Wikipedia - Soundgarden -- American rock band
Wikipedia - Spoonman -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Spring Garden Street Tunnel -- Vehicular tunnel under the Philadelphia Art Museum
Wikipedia - Square Paul-Gilot -- Garden square in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Stale seed bed -- Gardening tactic
Wikipedia - St Andrews Botanic Garden -- University botanical garden in Fife, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - St Andrew's Square, Kingston upon Thames -- Garden square in London, England
Wikipedia - Stateway Gardens -- Former public housing development in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden -- Oldest university botanical garden in South Africa
Wikipedia - Stourhead -- Estate, grade I listed English garden in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Strange Gardens -- 2003 film
Wikipedia - String trimmer -- Garden tool for trimming grass or groundcover with a flexible line instead of a blade
Wikipedia - Stuart Robertson (gardener) -- Canadian gardener
Wikipedia - St Vincent Botanical Garden
Wikipedia - Sue Garden-Bachop -- New Zealand sportsperson
Wikipedia - Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zurich -- Garden od succulent plants in Zurich (Switzerland)
Wikipedia - Sunnyside Garden Arena -- Former arena in Queens, New York
Wikipedia - Sustainable gardening
Wikipedia - Sydney Gardens Tunnels -- Canal tunnels in Britain
Wikipedia - Sylvia Crowe -- British landscape architect and garden designer
Wikipedia - Talbot Gardens -- Ice hockey arena in Simcoe, Ontario
Wikipedia - Taree (song) -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - Tarot Garden
Wikipedia - TD Garden -- Multi-purpose arena in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Wikipedia - Teargarden by Kaleidyscope -- The Smashing Pumpkins album
Wikipedia - Teegarden's Star b -- Exoplanet
Wikipedia - Teegarden's Star c -- Exoplanet
Wikipedia - Telford Gardens -- Housing estate in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Terraces (BahaM-JM- -- Garden terraces around the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel
Wikipedia - The Alnwick Garden -- Complex of formal gardens near Alnwick Castle
Wikipedia - The Animal Song -- 1999 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - The Artist's Garden at Giverny -- Painting by Claude Monet
Wikipedia - The Assam Garden -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Theatre Royal, Drury Lane -- West End theatre building in Covent Garden, London, England
Wikipedia - The Beales of Grey Gardens -- 2006 documentary film
Wikipedia - The Beechgrove Garden -- Television series about gardening in Scotland
Wikipedia - The Best Thing (Savage Garden song) -- 2001 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - The Cement Garden (film) -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - The Chalk Garden (film) -- 1964 film by Ronald Neame
Wikipedia - The Chalk Garden -- 1955 play written by Enid Bagnold
Wikipedia - The Child Garden -- Book by Geoff Ryman
Wikipedia - The Constant Gardener (film) -- 2005 film by Fernando Meirelles
Wikipedia - The Constant Gardener -- 2001 novel by John le CarrM-CM-)
Wikipedia - The Covent-Garden Journal -- 1752 English literary periodical
Wikipedia - The Day I Tried to Live -- 1994 single by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - The Devil's Garden -- 1920 film by Kenneth Webb
Wikipedia - The Garden (2017 film) -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - The Garden (band) -- American experimental rock band
Wikipedia - The Gardener (1912 film) -- 1912 film
Wikipedia - The Gardener (Arcimboldo) -- Painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Wikipedia - The Gardener (ballad) -- English ballad, Child no. 219
Wikipedia - The Gardeners Dictionary -- Series of books by botanist Philip Miller
Wikipedia - The Gardener's Magazine -- First periodical devoted to horticulture
Wikipedia - The Garden Left Behind -- 2019 film directed by Flavio Alves
Wikipedia - The Garden Murder Case (film) -- 1936 film by Edwin L. Marin
Wikipedia - The Garden of Allah (1916 film) -- 1916 film by Colin Campbell
Wikipedia - The Garden of Allah (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Rex Ingram
Wikipedia - The Garden of Allah (1936 film) -- 1936 film by Richard Boleslawski
Wikipedia - The Garden of Cyrus -- Discourse by Thomas Browne
Wikipedia - The Garden of Earthly Delights -- Medieval triptych painting by Hieronymus Bosch
Wikipedia - The Garden of Eden (1928 film) -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - The Garden of Eden (1984 film) -- 1984 short film
Wikipedia - The Garden of Eden (song) -- Song
Wikipedia - The Garden of Forking Paths
Wikipedia - The Garden of Love (poem)
Wikipedia - The Garden of Sinners -- 1998-1999 Japanese light novel series by Kinoko Nasu
Wikipedia - The Garden of the Gods -- Autobiographical book by naturalist and author, Gerald Durrell
Wikipedia - The Garden of the Prophet
Wikipedia - The Garden of Weeds -- 1924 film by James Cruze
Wikipedia - The Garden of Women -- Film directed by Keisuke Kinoshita
Wikipedia - The Garden of Words -- 2013 Japanese anime film
Wikipedia - The Gardens Ice House -- Skating and fitness facility in Laurel, Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - The Gardens of Light -- 1991 novel by Amin Maalouf
Wikipedia - The Gardens of Murcia (1923 film) -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Gardens of the American Rose Center -- Rose garden in Shreveport, Louisiana
Wikipedia - The Garden Spider -- 1952 film
Wikipedia - The Garden: Visions of Paradise -- 1994 book by Gabrielle van Zuylen
Wikipedia - The Garden Was Full of Moon -- 2000 film
Wikipedia - The Garden Weasel -- The Garden Weasel
Wikipedia - The God in the Garden -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - The Golden Garden -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - The Hop-Garden -- Poem by Christopher Smart
Wikipedia - The Interview (1995 film) -- 1995 film directed by Monique Gardenberg
Wikipedia - The Japanese Garden -- Japanese garden in Los Angeles
Wikipedia - The Machine in the Garden
Wikipedia - The Mad Gardener's Song
Wikipedia - The Magic Garden (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - The Mills at Jersey Gardens -- Indoor outlet mall in Elizabeth, New Jersey
Wikipedia - The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen -- 1884 painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - The Pleasure Garden (1925 film) -- 1925 film by Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - The Pleasure Garden (1961 film) -- 1961 film
Wikipedia - The Porter Garden Telescope -- Ornamental telescope for the garden
Wikipedia - The Prairie Garden Magazine -- Gardening annual
Wikipedia - The Secret Garden (2020 film) -- 2020 fantasy film directed by Marc Munden
Wikipedia - The Secret Garden -- 1911 novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Wikipedia - The Sparagus Garden -- 1635 play written by Richard Brome
Wikipedia - The Starlit Garden -- 1923 film
Wikipedia - The Telephantasm -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - The Torture Garden -- Novel by Octave Mirbeau
Wikipedia - The Unholy Garden -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - The Weeding of Covent Garden -- 1659 play written by Richard Brome
Wikipedia - Tigris (roller coaster) -- Steel roller coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa
Wikipedia - Tilden Gardens -- Apartment complex in Washington D.C., US
Wikipedia - Til Gardeniers-Berendsen -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Timisoara Zoological Garden -- Zoo in Romania
Wikipedia - Tim Roughgarden
Wikipedia - Tivoli Gardens, Kingston -- neighbourhood in Kingston, Jamaica
Wikipedia - Toby Buckland -- English gardener and TV presenter
Wikipedia - Tommy Chan -- New Zealand storekeeper, market gardener, and landowner
Wikipedia - Torture Garden (fetish club) -- Fetish club in London, UK
Wikipedia - Tower Hill Memorial -- War memorial in Trinity Square Gardens, in London, England
Wikipedia - Treasure Garden -- Residential skyscraper in Xitun District of Taichung, Taiwan
Wikipedia - Trentham Gardens railway station -- Former station in Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - Truly Madly Deeply -- 1997 single by Savage Garden
Wikipedia - Tsinghua Garden -- Garden in Haidian District, Beijing, China
Wikipedia - Tsitsikamma National Park -- A protected area on the Garden Route, Western Cape and Eastern Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Tsubo-niwa -- Very small Japanese garden
Wikipedia - Tsuen King Garden -- Housing estate in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Tucson Botanical Gardens -- Collection of sixteen residentially scaled urban gardens in Tucson, Arizona, US
Wikipedia - Ty Cobb (song) -- Song by Soundgarden
Wikipedia - UBC Botanical Garden
Wikipedia - UC Botanical Garden
Wikipedia - UKTV Gardens -- Former television channel by UKTV
Wikipedia - Unbelievable Acres Botanic Gardens -- Private man-made, nonprofit botanical garden in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - University Botanical Garden (Oslo)
Wikipedia - University of Alberta Botanic Garden -- Botanical garden in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - University of Bristol Botanic Garden -- Botanical garden in Bristol
Wikipedia - University of California Botanical Garden
Wikipedia - University of KwaZulu-Natal Botanical Garden -- Botanical garden in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal
Wikipedia - University of Oxford Botanic Garden -- Botanical garden in Oxford, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Val Gardena -- Valley in the Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy
Wikipedia - Valley Arena Gardens -- Arena in Massachusetts
Wikipedia - Vasco da Gama Garden -- Garden in Macau, China
Wikipedia - Vatican Gardens
Wikipedia - Vegan organic gardening
Wikipedia - Verbolten -- Roller coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Wikipedia - Verna Pratt -- American botanist, gardening expert, author
Wikipedia - Victoria Embankment Gardens -- Park in London, England
Wikipedia - Victoria Gardens, Neath -- Grade II registered park In Wales
Wikipedia - Victor's Way -- Meditation garden in County Wicklow, Ireland
Wikipedia - Victory Gardens, New Jersey -- Borough in Morris County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Victory garden -- Private food supply gardens in the World Wars
Wikipedia - Villa Borghese gardens -- Landscape garden in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Villa Torlonia (Rome) -- Villa and gardens in Rome, Italy
Wikipedia - Violet Evergarden -- Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
Wikipedia - Vita Sackville-West -- English writer and gardener
Wikipedia - Walled garden
Wikipedia - Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden -- Botanical reserve in Roodepoort near Johannesburg
Wikipedia - Waterperry Gardens
Wikipedia - Wellfield Botanic Gardens -- botanic gardens in Elkhart, IN
Wikipedia - Welwyn Garden City
Wikipedia - W. E. Shewell-Cooper -- British gardener
Wikipedia - West Side Community Garden -- Community garden in New York City
Wikipedia - Whampoa Garden -- Private housing estate in Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - White House Rose Garden -- Garden outside the White House in Washington, D.C., US
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:WikiProject Horticulture and Gardening -- Wikimedia subject-area collaboration
Wikipedia - Wildlife garden
Wikipedia - William Mason (poet) -- 18th-century English poet, divine, draughtsman, author, editor, and gardener
Wikipedia - William Miranda Marin Botanical and Cultural Garden -- Botanical garden, archaeological site and natural reserve in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - William Shenstone -- 18th-century English poet and gardener
Wikipedia - Winterbourne Botanic Garden -- Botanic garden in Edgbaston, Birmingham
Wikipedia - Winter Garden Theatre (1850) -- Former theatre in Manhattan, New York City (1850-1867)
Wikipedia - WLIW (TV) -- PBS member station in Garden City, New York
Wikipedia - WLLY-FM -- Regional Mexican radio station in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, United States
Wikipedia - World Checklist of Selected Plant Families -- Project in Kew Gardens
Wikipedia - Worshipful Company of Gardeners -- Livery company of the City of London
Wikipedia - WORX -- Brand of lawn and garden equipment
Wikipedia - WQBU-FM -- Radio station in Garden City, New York
Wikipedia - WWE Live from Madison Square Garden -- 2015 WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Yamashiro Historic District -- Villa, restaurant, and gardens in Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - You Raise Me Up -- 2002 song by Secret Garden
Wikipedia - Yu Garden -- Extensive Chinese garden in Shanghai
Wikipedia - Yuyuan Garden station -- Shanghai Metro station
Wikipedia - Zakir Hussain Rose Garden -- Botanical garden in Chandigarh, India
Wikipedia - Zoological Garden, Alipore
Aimee Teegarden ::: Born: October 10, 1989; Occupation: Actress;
Alan Titchmarsh ::: Born: May 2, 1949; Occupation: Gardener;
Gertrude Jekyll ::: Born: November 29, 1843; Died: December 8, 1932; Occupation: Gardener;\
Goodreads author - Tim_Roughgarden
Goodreads author - Susan_Teegarden_Dissmore
Goodreads author - Nancy_Garden
Goodreads author - Vanessa_Garden,_2005.jpg,_Zen_garden,_South_Australia)
Meditation Garden
dedroidify.blogspot - mister-rogers-remixed-garden-of-your
wiki.auroville - A_spiritual_gardener_(Radio_program)
wiki.auroville - Auroville_as_botanical_garden
wiki.auroville - Auroville_Botanical_Gardens
wiki.auroville - Bliss_Garden
wiki.auroville - Buddha_Garden
wiki.auroville - Consciousness_Garden
wiki.auroville - Existence_Garden
wiki.auroville - Gardening_with_children_at_Matrimandir_Nursery
wiki.auroville - Garden_of_the_Unexpected
wiki.auroville - Matrimandir_Gardens
wiki.auroville - Pebble_Garden
wiki.auroville - Progress_Garden
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - ingarden,_Summer_garden.jpg,_Boston_Public_Garden,_Boston,_Massachusetts.jpg
Carole & Paula in the Magic Garden (1972 - 1984) - The Magic Garden, one of the most successful, locally produced childrens television shows in the country, was broadcast on WPIX New York. Stars Carole Demas and Paula Janis helped create the show. In a colorful garden setting they brought stories, songs, games, lessons and laughter to their devo...
Groundling Marsh (1995 - 1997) - This show wasn't far from being in the heavy-populated area. They look small from human standards, but they learn all about enviromental harmony through the wisest character, Eco, who has the ability to talk to nature. She's a great gardener and wise storyteller. Other characters are unforgettable...
The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends (1992 - 1994) - The magic world of Peter Rabbit and friends is about a young naughty rabbit named Peter who ends up in trouble with Mr McGregor and ruining his garden. Also followed by other animals adventures too in their humanine world.
Sketchbook (2007 - Current) - a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Totan Kobako. First serialized in the April 2002 issue of Comic Blade, the individual chapters are collected and published by Mag Garden. Chapters have also appeared in Comic Blade Masamune. An anime adaptation, under the title Sketchbook ~full colo...
Aria (2005 - 2016) - a utopian science fantasy manga by Kozue Amano. The series was originally titled Aqua ( Akua) when it was published by Enix in the magazine Monthly Stencil, being retitled when it moved to Mag Garden's magazine Comic Blade.[3] Aqua was serialized in Stencil from 2001 to 2002 and collected in two...
Violet Evergarden (2018 - Current) - a Japanese light novel series written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase. It won the grand prize in the fifth Kyoto Animation Award's novel category in 2014, the first ever work to win a grand prize in any of the three categories (novel, scenario, and manga).[2] Kyoto Animation publish...
Living for the Day After Tomorrow (2006 - Current) - a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by J-ta Yamada. The manga was serialized in Mag Garden's magazine Comic Blade Masamune between March 3, 2005 and June 15, 2007; five bound volumes were released in Japan. The manga was adapted into an anime series produced by J.C.Staff, which aired in...
The Ancient Magus' Bride (2016 - 2018) - ( Mah Tsukai no Yome) is a Japanese dark fantasy shnen manga series written and illustrated by Kore Yamazaki. The series is published in Japan by Mag Garden in its Monthly Comic Garden magazine. The manga is licensed in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment. Wit Studio produced a three-p...
In the Night Garden... (2007) (2007 - 2009) - a BBC children's television series, aimed at children aged from one to six years old.[2] It is produced by Ragdoll Productions. Andrew Davenport created, wrote, and composed the title theme and incidental music for all 100 episodes.[3][4] It was produced by Davenport and Anne Wood, the team that als...
Over the garden wall (2014 - 2014) - an American animated television miniseries created by Patrick McHale for Cartoon Network
Fifi and the Flowertots (2006 - 2010) - a British stop-motion children's television series created by Keith Chapman and produced by Chapman Entertainment. The series originally aired on Five in the United Kingdom.It features a group of flower-based characters and their adventures and activities through the garden. The title character and...
Hello Mrs. Cherrywinkle (1996 - 2004) - a children's educational television program that aired in 1996. It centered on the adventures of the title character, Mrs. Cherrywinkle (portrayed by Kathy "Babe" Robinson, of Philadelphia, PA), a stout woman full of energy who interacted with a variety of puppets in her home and garden. The puppets...
Red Garden (2006 - 2007) - a Japanese animated television series produced by Gonzo studios and broadcast in Japan on TV Asahi since October 3, 2006. The plot revolves around four girls who become involved in a series of supernatural murders happening throughout the vicinity of a fictional depiction of New York City. It combin...
Heaven's Memo Pad (2011 - 2011) - Narumi Fujishima isn't your typical high school student. He's never really fit in and has become increasingly more isolated from his fellow classmates. But he's not alone, and when Ayaka, the sole member of the Gardening Club, introduces him to the reclusive girl who lives above the ramen shop, Naru...
The Victory Garden (1975 - 2015) - Created by Russell Morash the creator of "This Old House", The Victory Garden was originally created in 1975 as a response to a tough economy and an increased interest in self-sufficiency. The program showed viewers how to tend to their own garden with an emphasis on making the most out of one's lan...
Fluffy Gardens (2007 - 2016) - Fun and adventures in a peaceful town inhabited by a host of lovable, cute and crazy animals.
Tom and Vicky (1998 - 1999) - A British stop-frame animation series about the adventures of a brother and sister who come and play in their Grandad's back garden.
The Secret Garden(1993) - A young British girl born and reared in India loses her neglectful parents in an earthquake. She is returned to England to live at her uncle's castle. Her uncle is very distant due to the loss of his wife ten years before. Neglected once again, she begins exploring the estate and discovers a garden...
EDtv(1999) - The turning point in the life of Ed Pekurny (Matthew McConaughey) comes thanks to the misfortunes of the NorthWest Broadcasting Company. After two years on the air, their flagship cable channel, True TV, has slid into obscurity due to competition from the The Gardening Channel. Program director Cynt...
A Bridge Too Far(1977) - This movie is the dramatization of Operation Market-Garden, a failed World War 2 operation to stop the Germans earlier so the war can end sooner.
Trading Mom(1994) - Fed up with their strict and over worked mother Jeremy, Elizabeth and Harry decide things would be better with a new one or without one at all. Mrs. Cavour a sweet but mysterious gardener gives these ungrateful kids their wish and their mother disappears from their lives. Though things are fun at fi...
Seems Like Old Times(1980) - Writer Nick Gardenia is kidnapped from his California cliffhouse and forced to rob a bank. Now a fugitive, he seeks help from his ex, Glenda. She is a public defender remarried to a prosecutor, and we get a houseful of hijinks.
Moonstruck(1987) - Loretta Castorini (Cher) is a young widow who is ready to enter the dating scene again. A rivalry for her affections develops between two men: Johnny Cammareri (Danny Aiello) and his brother, a baker named Ronny (Nicolas Cage). In the meantime, Loretta's parents Cosmo (Vincent Gardenia) and Rose (Ol...
Blood and Wine(1996) - Jack Nicholson reunited with director Bob Rafelson, director of Five Easy Pieces and The King Of Marvin Gardens, for this violent, downbeat crime drama. Alex (Jack Nicholson) is a wine dealer whose business is going belly-up, along with his life. His step-son Jason (Stephen Dorff) hates him, his wif...
Paternity(1981) - Meet Buddy Evans. He's a confirmed bachelor, the event's manager at Madison Square Garden in New York City, and loves his life as well as children. But the more he finds himself around kids, along with the fact he just turned 44, he finds himself wanting a son of his own...someone to remind the wo...
It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown(1976) - To celebrate Arbor Day, the gang decide to do a great gardening project for Charlie Brown. Unfortunately, Charlie Brown learns that they did it in his baseball diamond, turning it in to a lush garden. With no alternative, he is forced to play against Peppermint Patty's team in that field. However, t...
Gorilla at Large(1954) - At sinister carnival The Garden of Evil, the main attraction is Goliath, "world's largest gorilla...cost the lives of 1,000 men before his capture." Barker Joey Matthews is about to enter the gorilla act, teamed with seductive mantrap Laverne, the owner's wife. Then a man is found dead of a broken n...
Gnomeo & Juliet(2011) - The animated tale Gnomeo & Juliet knowingly follows the quintessential star-crossed lovers tragedy Romeo and Juliet, with the unexpected twist of making the characters garden gnomes that can move when human beings aren't watching. Though Gnomeo and Juliet belong to feuding garden-gnome families, the...
The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart(1970) - A 23-year-old dropout (Don Johnson) from Columbia University seeks his identity during the sexual revolution.
Sherlock Gnomes(2018) - After a string of garden gnome disappearances in London, Gnomeo & Juliet look to legendary detective Sherlock Gnomes to solve the case of their missing friends and family.
Young Lady Chatterly(1977) - Cynthia inherits her aunt's large estate and moves in. She reads her aunt's diary and finds out (and graphically imagines) how she was taught in the ways of love by her gardener in 1901 at the age of 21. She decides to continue the fruitful relationship to the personnel and gets it on with the hands...
Grey Gardens(1975) - An old mother and her middle-aged daughter, the aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, live their eccentric lives in a filthy, decaying mansion in East Hampton.
It Was My Best Birthday Ever, Charlie Brown(1997) - his special begins with Linus roller blading around town. He roller skates to a birthday party and back. On his way home, he passes a garden, and hears a beautiful singing voice. He enters the garden to find the source of the beautiful voice, and finds a little girl singing (a version of "Mio Babbin...
The Garden(2006) - A troubled young boy and his father on a road trip stumble upon a rural farm where the elderly owner has sinister plans for the both of them involving witchcraft and evil.
The Song Remains The Same(1976) - A Led Zeppelin concert filmed in Madison Square Garden, New York.
Tim(1979) - A mentally retarded young Australian gardener becomes lovers with a somewhat older American businesswoman after he is engaged to work in the garden of her home.
Awesome, I Shot That!(2004) - A live performance shot by audience members at a 2004 Beastie Boys concert at Madison Square Garden.
Mr. Love(1985) - An elderly mild-mannered gardener becomes a lovable legend in his town for his talent to romantically please every woman that fancies him.
Gardens Of Stone(1987) - A Sergeant must deal with his desires to save the lives of young soldiers being sent to Viet Nam. Continuously denied the chance to teach the soldiers about his experiences, he settles for trying to help the son of an old Army buddy.
Frog and Toad Together(1987) - Frog and Toad are best friendsthey do everything together. When Toad admires the flowers in Frog's garden, Frog gives him seeds to grow a garden of his own. When Toad bakes cookies, Frog helps him eat them. And when both Frog and Toad are scared, they are brave together. The School and Library Jour...
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never(2011) - Featuring the single worst excuse of a pop-star ever expelled from Hollywood's rear-end, The film follows pop star Justin Bieber during 10 days counting down to what is considered his biggest performance, that of August 31, 2010 in Madison Square Garden, which sold out in 22 minutes. It shows footag...
Peter Rabbit(2018) - Based on the fairy tale of the same name, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and their leader Peter like to cause trouble for old Mr. McGregor in his garden. When the old man passes away Peter brings in his great-nephew but soon learns from him that the antics of himself and his siblings are causing great a...
Gnomeo & Juliet(2011) - The animated tale Gnomeo & Juliet knowingly follows the quintessential star-crossed lovers tragedy Romeo and Juliet, with the unexpected twist of making the characters garden gnomes that can move when human beings aren't watching. Though Gnomeo and Juliet belong to feuding garden-gnome families, the...
Sherlock Gnomes(2018) - Garden gnomes Gnomeo and Juliet recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments. This is a sequel to the animated film "Gnomeo & Juliet".
Turbo(2013) - In a suburban San Fernando Valley tomato garden in Los Angeles, Theo, self-named "Turbo", is a garden snail who dreams of being the greatest racer in the world, just like his hero, five-time Indy 500 champion Guy Gagn. His obsession with speed often makes him an outcast in the slow and cautious sna... -- Drama, Mystery -- Drama, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life -- -- -- Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy -- Slice of Life, Drama, Fantasy -- Action, Comedy, Supernatural, Drama, Vampire, Josei -- Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life -- Slice of Life, Drama, Fantasy -- Slice of Life, Drama, Fantasy
A Better Life (2011) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Drama, Romance | 28 July 2011 (Thailand) -- A gardener in East L.A. struggles to keep his son away from gangs and immigration agents while trying to give his son the opportunities he never had. Director: Chris Weitz Writers:
A Bridge Too Far (1977) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 2h 55min | Drama, History, War | 15 June 1977 (USA) -- Operation Market Garden, September 1944: The Allies attempt to capture several strategically important bridges in the Netherlands in the hope of breaking the German lines. Director: Richard Attenborough Writers:
A Dry White Season (1989) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Drama, Thriller | 20 September 1989 (USA) -- A white middle class South African suburbanite with no interest in politics agrees to help his black gardener find his jailed son. His investigation opens his eyes to the horrors committed by the secret police and turns him into a target. Director: Euzhan Palcy Writers: Andr P. Brink (novel) (as Andr Brink), Colin Welland (screenplay) | 1 more credit
A Little Chaos (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, Romance | 26 June 2015 (USA) -- Two talented landscape artists become romantically entangled while building a garden in King Louis XIV's palace at Versailles. Director: Alan Rickman Writers: Jeremy Brock (screenplay), Alison Deegan | 1 more credit
A Monster in Paris (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- Un monstre Paris (original title) -- A Monster in Paris Poster -- A 3D-animated movie set in Paris in the year 1910 and centered on a monster who lives in a garden and his love for a beautiful, young singer. Director: Bibo Bergeron Writers:
Being There (1979) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Comedy, Drama | 8 February 1980 (USA) -- A simpleminded, sheltered gardener becomes an unlikely trusted advisor to a powerful businessman and an insider in Washington politics. Director: Hal Ashby Writers: Jerzy Kosinski (novel), Jerzy Kosinski (screenplay)
Fireflies in the Garden (2008) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 39min | Drama | 17 July 2008 (Greece) -- The Taylor family is devastated by an accident that takes place on the day their matriarch is due to graduate from college -- decades after leaving to raise her children. Director: Dennis Lee Writers:
Garden of Evil (1954) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 4 October 1954 -- Garden of Evil Poster A trio of American adventurers marooned in rural Mexico are recruited by a beautiful woman to rescue her husband trapped in a cave in Apache territory. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Frank Fenton (screenplay), Fred Freiberger (story) | 1 more credit
Gardens of Stone (1987) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Drama, Romance, War | 8 May 1987 (USA) -- A Sergeant must deal with his desires to save the lives of young soldiers being sent to Viet Nam. Continuously denied the chance to teach the soldiers about his experiences, he settles for trying to help the son of an old Army buddy. Director: Francis Ford Coppola (as Francis Coppola) Writers:
Gardens of the Night (2008) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 50min | Drama | 21 November 2008 (USA) -- After being abducted as children, and suffering years of abuse, a teenage boy and girl find themselves living on the street. Director: Damian Harris Writer: Damian Harris
Garden State (2004) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 20 August 2004 (USA) -- A quietly troubled young man returns home for his mother's funeral after being estranged from his family for a decade. Director: Zach Braff Writer: Zach Braff
Greenfingers (2000) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Crime, Romance | 14 September 2001 (UK) -- A prison inmate with a green thumb goes on to compete in a national gardening competition. Based on a true story. Director: Joel Hershman Writer: Joel Hershman
Greenfingers (2000) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 31min | Comedy, Crime, Romance | 14 September 2001 (UK) -- A prison inmate with a green thumb goes on to compete in a national gardening competition. Based on a true story.
Grey Gardens (2009) ::: 7.4/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 44min | Biography, Drama | TV Movie 18 April 2009 -- The lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edith, aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Director: Michael Sucsy Writers: Michael Sucsy (teleplay), Patricia Rozema (teleplay) | 1 more credit
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 35min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 21 November 1997 (USA) -- A visiting city reporter's assignment suddenly revolves around the murder trial of a local millionaire, whom he befriends. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers: John Berendt (book), John Lee Hancock (screenplay)
Mirai (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- Mirai no Mirai (original title) -- Mirai Poster -- A young boy encounters a magical garden which enables him to travel through time and meet his relatives from different eras, with guidance by his younger sister from the future. Director: Mamoru Hosoda Writer:
Over the Garden Wall ::: TV-PG | 1h 50min | Animation, Adventure, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2014) Episode Guide 10 episodes Over the Garden Wall Poster -- Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home. Creators: Katie Krentz, Patrick McHale
Peter Rabbit (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 9 February 2018 (USA) -- Feature adaptation of Beatrix Potter's classic tale of a rebellious rabbit trying to sneak into a farmer's vegetable garden. Director: Will Gluck Writers: Rob Lieber (screen story by), Will Gluck (screen story by) | 3 more
Rosemary & Thyme ::: TV-PG | 48min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20032006) -- Set amongst the stunning gardens of Europe, Rosemary Boxer and Laura Thyme, two professional gardeners, find themselves drawn into solving mysterious crimes. Stars:
The Blue Gardenia (1953) ::: 6.9/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 28 March 1953 (USA) -- A telephone operator ends up drunk and at the mercy of a cad in his apartment. The next morning she wakes up with a hangover and the terrible fear she may be a murderess. Director: Fritz Lang Writers: Charles Hoffman (screenplay), Vera Caspary (story) Stars:
The Cement Garden (1993) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Drama | 11 February 1994 (USA) -- Four children live with their terminally ill mother. After she dies, they try to hold things together. In their isolated house, they begin to deteriorate mentally, whilst they hide their mom's decomposing corpse in a makeshift concrete sarcophagus. Director: Andrew Birkin Writers: Andrew Birkin, Ian McEwan (novel)
The Constant Gardener (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Drama, Mystery, Romance | 31 August 2005 (USA) -- A widower is determined to get to the bottom of a potentially explosive secret involving his wife's murder, big business, and corporate corruption. Director: Fernando Meirelles Writers:
The Garden of Words (2013) ::: 7.5/10 -- Koto no ha no niwa (original title) -- The Garden of Words Poster -- A 15-year-old boy and 27-year-old woman find an unlikely friendship one rainy day in the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. Director: Makoto Shinkai Writer:
The King of Marvin Gardens (1972) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Drama | 13 October 1972 (USA) -- A daydreamer convinces his radio personality brother to help fund one of his get-rich-quick schemes. Director: Bob Rafelson Writers: Jacob Brackman (screenplay), Bob Rafelson (story) | 1 more credit
The Secret Garden (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 41min | Drama, Family, Fantasy | 13 August 1993 (USA) -- A young, recently-orphaned girl is sent to England after living in India all of her life. Once there, she begins to explore her new, seemingly-isolated surroundings, and its secrets. Director: Agnieszka Holland Writers:
The Zookeeper (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama, War | 22 November 2001 (Czech Republic) -- In the midst of a devastating civil war in an Eastern European country, a disillusioned ex-Communist is left behind to take care of the animals in the capital's zoological gardens until a U.N. rescue force arrives. Director: Ralph Ziman Writers:
The Zookeeper (2001) ::: 6.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama, War | 22 November 2001 (Czech Republic) -- In the midst of a devastating civil war in an Eastern European country, a disillusioned ex-Communist is left behind to take care of the animals in the capital's zoological gardens until a U.N. rescue force arrives.
Turbo (2013) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 17 July 2013 (USA) -- A freak accident might just help an everyday garden snail achieve his biggest dream: winning the Indy 500. Director: David Soren Writers: Darren Lemke (screenplay by), Robert Siegel (screenplay by) | 2 more
Violet Evergarden ::: TV-14 | 24min | Animation, Drama, Fantasy | TV Mini-Series (2018) Episode Guide 14 episodes Violet Evergarden Poster -- In the aftermath of a great war, Violet Evergarden, a young female ex-soldier, gets a job at a writers' agency and goes on assignments to create letters that can connect people. Stars:
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) ::: 7.4/10 -- The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (original title) -- Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Poster -- Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the mystery behind the garden sabotage that plagues their village and threatens the annual giant vegetable growing contest. Directors: Steve Box, Nick Park Writers:'s_Garden_(episode)'_the_Garden/Plane_Pals's_Garden's_garden,_Florida's_Gardens's_Garden's_Garden_Furnishing_Pack,_Elven_Gardens_District's_Vegetable_Garden's_Supplies's_Tools'Aun_Gardens'Aun_Gardens/Maps'Lude_Gardens'Lude_Gardens/Maps'Hmet's_Garden's_Garden's_Child_(Garden)'Brazilian_starfish''s_garden's_Gardens's_Garden's_Garden_of_Lifeforms_in_Our_Galaxy's_House's_house'_Bee's_Mansion's_garden's_Garden's_Garden'_Worlds_(audio_story)!
Candy Candy -- -- Toei Animation -- 115 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Shoujo -- Candy Candy Candy Candy -- This story is about a girl, Candy, who is an orphan. She is a nice and optimistic girl and she has a warm heart. When she was a child, she lived in an orphanage called Pony's Home. She had a good friend called Annie. And she met the "Prince of the Hill" who is a important person in her life, on the hill behind the orphanage. -- -- She was adopted by the Leagan's family. What's awaiting her are the bad-hearted Neil and his sister, Eliza. One day, in the rose garden, she met a boy, who is identical to the "Prince of the Hill" who she had met in her childhood. The boy is called Anthony. Thereafter, a fantastic story that she has never expected begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- TV - Oct 1, 1976 -- 22,866 7.52
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- 347,666 8.16
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana, NIS America, Inc. -- 347,666 8.16
Comet Lucifer -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Mecha -- Comet Lucifer Comet Lucifer -- In the world of Gift, the bowels of the planet hide a highly sought after crystalline substance known as Giftium. A young boy on Gift named Sougo Amagi inherited his interest in Giftium from his mother, a researcher. As an inhabitant of Garden Indigo, a small and prosperous miner's town, Sougo has many opportunities to forage and collect rare crystals that can only be found there. -- -- However, the most exciting treasure that Sougo discovers is not a crystal, but a person. After being pulled into a school quarrel, he plummets into the deep caverns of an old mine. There, in the abysmal depths of the earth, Felia—an enigmatic girl with red eyes and blue hair—emerges from a large crystal. Through this strange first encounter, bonds of friendship are formed between Felia and Sougo. But Felia is being pursued by a secret organization that aims to use her powers for their own benefit, and Sougo and his friends must help her, all while discovering the true nature of this girl from the crystal. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 98,220 5.85
Futari wa Precure -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Futari wa Precure Futari wa Precure -- Futari wa Precure protagonists Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro are about as different as two people can get. Nagisa is the captain of the lacrosse team, a lover of food, and a hater of homework. Honoka loves to learn, working with the science club and earning the nickname "The Queen of Knowledge" from her fellow classmates. Their lives are unconnected until one day, when a mysterious star shower unites them. -- -- Nagisa and Honoka meet Mipple and Mepple, two residents of the Garden of Light. Their homeland has been conquered by the evil forces of the Dark Zone who now have their sights set on the Garden of Rainbows: Earth. With powers from the Garden of Light, Nagisa becomes Cure Black and Honoka becomes Cure White. Together, they are Pretty Cure! Now Pretty Cure must locate the Prism Stones, the only power strong enough to defeat the Dark Zone and repair the damage done to the Garden of Light. Will these magical girls be able to protect their home from the evil that threatens it? Or will they be sucked into the darkness? -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment -- 36,291 7.00
Futari wa Precure: Max Heart -- -- Toei Animation -- 47 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy Magic Shoujo -- Futari wa Precure: Max Heart Futari wa Precure: Max Heart -- Shortly after the fall of the Wicked King, the Queen of the Garden of Light lost her memory and came to Earth, in the form of a 12-year-old girl named Hikari Kujou. Now, she—with the help of Nagisa and Honoka, endowed with new costumes and powers—must find the 12 Heartiels, which hold the key to restoring the Queen's lost memories. For together once again, they are Pretty Cure. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Feb 6, 2005 -- 13,879 6.93
Gosick -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Historical Drama Romance -- Gosick Gosick -- Kazuya Kujou is a foreign student at Saint Marguerite Academy, a luxurious boarding school in the Southern European country of Sauville. Originally from Japan, his jet-black hair and dark brown eyes cause his peers to shun him and give him the nickname "Black Reaper," based on a popular urban legend about the traveler who brings death in the spring. -- -- On a day like any other, Kujou visits the school's extravagant library in search of ghost stories. However, his focus soon changes as he becomes curious about a golden strand of hair on the stairs. The steps lead him to a large garden and a beautiful doll-like girl known as Victorique de Blois, whose complex and imaginative foresight allows her to predict their futures, now intertwined. -- -- With more mysteries quickly developing—including the appearance of a ghost ship and an alchemist with the power of transmutation—Victorique and Kujou, bound by fate and their unique skills, have no choice but to rely on each other. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 439,921 8.09
Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Horror -- Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan Hino Hideshi Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan -- Based on Kaidan Yotsuya (Classic Japanese ghost story). -- OVA - Jul 20, 2000 -- 548 N/A -- -- Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi -- -- - -- 10 eps -- Book -- Horror Supernatural -- Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi Inagawa Junji no Sugoku Kowai Hanashi -- Short ghost stories by Inagawa Junji, an entertainer who is famous for his horror stories broadcasted on late night radio. He has gone on to write horror novels and directing live-action horror dramas and films. The anime is a spin-off of his Inagawa Junji no Chou: Kowai Hanashi (Inagawa Junji's Super Scary Stories) live-action direct-to-DVD series. -- ONA - Sep 5, 2017 -- 530 N/A -- -- Kyoufu Shinbun -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Horror Shounen -- Kyoufu Shinbun Kyoufu Shinbun -- For reasons unknown to him, Rei receives the Kyoufu Shinbun every morning, a newspaper which foresees deaths and catastrophes... -- -- Based on Tsunoda Jirou's classic horror manga "Kyoufu Shinbun", serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 21, 1991 -- 528 N/A -- -- Eko Eko Azarak -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Horror Magic -- Eko Eko Azarak Eko Eko Azarak -- The worried owner of a luxury hotel hires high school student Kuroi Misa who has experience with necromancy. The reason is that a series of suicides carried out by guests have taken place in the garden which was once a place of execution. She agrees to use her knowledge of the black arts but demands a fee of ten million yen. -- OVA - Jan 30, 2007 -- 522 N/A -- -- Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Supernatural Thriller -- Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene Chainsaw Bunny: Deleted Scene -- A "deleted scene" from Chainsaw Bunny, where the monster becomes a giant pink faceless looming creature. -- ONA - Aug 1, 2018 -- 509 4.75
Houkago no Pleiades -- -- Gainax -- 4 eps -- Original -- Magic -- Houkago no Pleiades Houkago no Pleiades -- Subaru is a young girl who likes to see the stars. One day, she opens the door to her school's observation room, only to find a large indoor garden instead! She meets a boy named Minato who says some strange things, telling her to leave soon after their meeting. As if the day wasn't weird enough, Subaru accidentally finds a strange blobby creature who runs off with her compass, leading her to stumble into a club room with girls wearing witch costumes! -- -- Subaru recognizes her friend Aoi in the group, and despite Aoi's protests, Subaru decides to join the club. Shortly after, she gets a strange automobile-like staff and a magical transformation from the club's "president," the blobby creature from earlier, known as a Pleiadian. Aoi and the other members—Itsuki, Hikaru, and Nanako—have been looking for engine fragments of the spaceship that the Pleiadian used to travel in, so that it can go back to its home. But it seems that these girls are not the only ones searching for the fragments... -- -- ONA - Feb 1, 2011 -- 16,618 6.15
Houkago no Pleiades (TV) -- -- Gainax -- 12 eps -- Original -- Magic Space -- Houkago no Pleiades (TV) Houkago no Pleiades (TV) -- The sky is the limit in Houkago no Pleiades. With telescope in hand, Subaru is set to go to the observation room of her school in order to get a view of that night's meteor shower. What she least expects is that behind the observatory door was not the starry skies, but a lavish garden, complete with a resplendent fountain and a mysterious young boy with long red hair. -- -- But the garden soon disappeared, as if Subaru was only imagining things. All that remains of that brilliant sight is an odd, bouncing blob creature that leads her to another magical door, occupied by other girls in magical witch-like costumes. Revelations start hitting Subaru one after the other: one of the girls in the room is her childhood friend Aoi, the little blob is actually an alien of a species called the Pleiadians trying to return home, and Subaru has been selected by him to become the newest member of their group! -- -- Now Subaru's dreams of the stars have come true in the wildest way, as she and her friends attempt to gather pieces of the Pleiadian spacecraft engine to return the being to his home. But they're not the only ones after the engine parts, and they have no idea why! -- 31,426 6.71
Houkago no Pleiades (TV) -- -- Gainax -- 12 eps -- Original -- Magic Space -- Houkago no Pleiades (TV) Houkago no Pleiades (TV) -- The sky is the limit in Houkago no Pleiades. With telescope in hand, Subaru is set to go to the observation room of her school in order to get a view of that night's meteor shower. What she least expects is that behind the observatory door was not the starry skies, but a lavish garden, complete with a resplendent fountain and a mysterious young boy with long red hair. -- -- But the garden soon disappeared, as if Subaru was only imagining things. All that remains of that brilliant sight is an odd, bouncing blob creature that leads her to another magical door, occupied by other girls in magical witch-like costumes. Revelations start hitting Subaru one after the other: one of the girls in the room is her childhood friend Aoi, the little blob is actually an alien of a species called the Pleiadians trying to return home, and Subaru has been selected by him to become the newest member of their group! -- -- Now Subaru's dreams of the stars have come true in the wildest way, as she and her friends attempt to gather pieces of the Pleiadian spacecraft engine to return the being to his home. But they're not the only ones after the engine parts, and they have no idea why! -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 31,426 6.71
Hundred -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Romance Ecchi Mecha School -- Hundred Hundred -- When an extraterrestrial organism known as "Savage" attacks mankind, the only technology capable of combating the enemy is a weapon known as “Hundred.” A survivor of a Savage attack, Hayato Kisaragi is a teenager boasting the highest compatibility level with the aforementioned technology and as a result, is invited to master his skills at Little Garden, a prestigious military academy aboard a battleship. -- -- Over the course of his intense training for the battle ahead, he immediately attracts the interest of multiple female peers and gets drawn into a number of incidents as he tries to fight against the creatures that now inhabit Earth and threaten its safety. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 284,732 6.35
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai Slice of Life -- Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl -- Hazumu was a shy boy who enjoyed gardening, collecting herbs, and long walks in the mountains. One day he finally worked up the courage to confess his love to Yasuna, but she rejected him. -- -- Depressed, he wandered up Mt. Kashimayama, the place where they first met, to reconsider his feelings. After getting lost, he wished upon a shooting star and received a bizarre twist of fate. -- -- Now he is a she, and she stumbles headfirst back into social life and relationships only to find that the entire landscape has changed! -- -- (Source: Media Blasters) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 12, 2006 -- 43,936 6.66
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Seinen -- Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Koi wa Ameagari no You ni -- Akira Tachibana, a reserved high school student and former track runner, has not been able to race the same as she used to since she experienced a severe foot injury. And although she is regarded as attractive by her classmates, she is not interested in the boys around school. -- -- While working part-time at the Garden Cafe, Akira begins to develop feelings for the manager—a 45-year-old man named Masami Kondou—despite the large age gap. Kondou shows genuine concern and kindness toward the customers of his restaurant, which, while viewed by others as soft or weak, draws Akira to him. Spending time together at the restaurant, they grow closer, which only strengthens her feelings. Weighed down by these uncertain emotions, Akira finally resolves to confess, but what will be the result? -- -- 207,337 7.53
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni -- -- Wit Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Seinen -- Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Koi wa Ameagari no You ni -- Akira Tachibana, a reserved high school student and former track runner, has not been able to race the same as she used to since she experienced a severe foot injury. And although she is regarded as attractive by her classmates, she is not interested in the boys around school. -- -- While working part-time at the Garden Cafe, Akira begins to develop feelings for the manager—a 45-year-old man named Masami Kondou—despite the large age gap. Kondou shows genuine concern and kindness toward the customers of his restaurant, which, while viewed by others as soft or weak, draws Akira to him. Spending time together at the restaurant, they grow closer, which only strengthens her feelings. Weighed down by these uncertain emotions, Akira finally resolves to confess, but what will be the result? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 207,337 7.53
Kotonoha no Niwa -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Slice of Life Psychological Drama Romance -- Kotonoha no Niwa Kotonoha no Niwa -- On a rainy morning in Tokyo, Takao Akizuki, an aspiring shoemaker, decides to skip class to sketch designs in a beautiful garden. This is where he meets Yukari Yukino, a beautiful yet mysterious woman, for the very first time. Offering to make her new shoes, Takao continues to meet with Yukari throughout the rainy season, and without even realizing it, the two are able to alleviate the worries hidden in their hearts just by being with each other. However, their personal struggles have not disappeared completely, and as the end of the rainy season approaches, their relationship will be put to the test. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - May 31, 2013 -- 616,021 8.02
Mary to Majo no Hana -- -- Studio Ponoc -- 1 ep -- Book -- Adventure Fantasy Magic -- Mary to Majo no Hana Mary to Majo no Hana -- Mary Smith is a clumsy girl with wild red hair who can't seem to do anything right. After moving in with her Great Aunt Charlotte, Mary finds herself lonely and bored, until one day she spies a cat which seems to keep changing color every time she sees it. Curiosity gets the better of her and she follows it into nearby woods. Deep in the forest, the cat takes her to a clearing with dead trees and brown grass, where the only sign of life is a cluster of mysterious blue flowers that Mary has never seen before. The gardener of the estate later tells her that the rare species is called "Fly-by-Night," and is said to be sought by witches for its incredible magical power. -- -- When the strange cat returns to her one night, Mary is led once again into the woods, but this time to an old broomstick hidden by a gnarled tree. After she clumsily squashes some Fly-by-Night against the broomstick, it begins to glow, whisking her off into the sky. Her wayward journey ends at the Endor College for Witches, where she is mistaken for a new student. And so, Mary must learn to look after herself in this marvelous new world of magic, where things are not always as they seem. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS -- Movie - Jul 8, 2017 -- 70,991 7.27
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? -- -- Diomedéa -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy Supernatural -- Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? -- Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasukabe are extraordinary teenagers who are blessed with psychic powers but completely fed up with their disproportionately mundane lives—until, unexpectedly, each of them receives a strange envelope containing an invitation to a mysterious place known as Little Garden. -- -- Inexplicably dropped into a vast new world, the trio is greeted by Kurousagi, who explains that they have been given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to participate in special high-stakes games using their abilities. In order to take part, however, they must first join a community. Learning that Kurousagi's community "No Names" has lost its official status and bountiful land due to their defeat at the hands of a demon lord, the group sets off to help reclaim their new home's dignity, eager to protect its residents and explore the excitement that Little Garden has to offer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 476,569 7.54
Mushi-Uta -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Mushi-Uta Mushi-Uta -- Mushi-uta's story takes place in the near future. Ten years before the story's opening, strange insect-like creatures known as "Mushi" began appearing. The Mushi are able to consume peoples' dreams and thoughts in return for supernatural powers. At the end of episode one, protagonist Daisuke "Kakkou" Kusuriya encounters a young girl named Shiika Anmoto. The two, in time, become quite close. However, unbeknownst to Kakkou, Shiika is an escapee from a secret prison known as GARDEN where those posessed by the Mushi, known as the Mushitsuki are held. GARDEN's military force, the Special Environmental Conservation Executive Office, dispatches its finest killer to track down Shiika. However, they are faced with resistance from the Mushibane resistance organisation, led by the secretive "Ladybird." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 6, 2007 -- 15,212 6.64
Nanatsu-iro� -- Drops -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Magic Romance School -- Nanatsu-iro� -- Drops Nanatsu-iro� -- Drops -- Tsuwabuki is a normal student, though not very social. One day he meets a new transfer student, named Sumomo Akihime, and another girl, both the only members of the gardening club. Tsuwabuki is forced by a teacher to join this club. But then he bumps into a strange guy with dog ears, switching his drink with they guy's by mistake. Drinking it, he is turned in a stuffed animal. The teacher tells him that the only way to turn back to normal is to find the chosen girl and let her catch the seven stardrops. This girl is Sumomo, that accepts to help him, though she's not allowed to know the animal's true identity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 3, 2007 -- 20,408 7.02
Ojamajo Doremi Sharp -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Comedy Magic Shoujo -- Ojamajo Doremi Sharp Ojamajo Doremi Sharp -- At the end of the first season, Doremi and her friends all had to give up their witch powers and be normal girls again. This also meant that they couldn't see Majorika, Lala, and the fairies again. The MAHO-Dou was also deserted and the door to the Majokai was locked. -- -- The Queen, having seen all this through her crystal ball, secretly makes it so that Doremi and co. all end up heading into the Majokai again, with the excuse to return Majorika's hair dryer. However they end up stumbling into a garden, and one of the roses reveals a baby! -- -- The Queen tells the girls that they must raise the baby for a whole year. To help them, they receive newer and stronger witch powers than before! The adventure isn't over yet! -- 16,308 7.35
Red Garden -- -- Gonzo -- 22 eps -- Original -- Drama Mystery -- Red Garden Red Garden -- Strange suicides have been taking place in New York. One day, four girls from the same high school wake up in the morning feeling tired and dizzy and not being able to remember anything about the previous night. In school, they find out that one of their classmates has committed suicide. School is canceled for the rest of the day, but instead of going home, the girls are drawn to a park by butterflies only they can see. Suddenly a man and a woman approach the girls, telling them that they all died the previous night. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 39,341 7.09
Sankarea -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Horror Romance Shounen Supernatural -- Sankarea Sankarea -- Ever since he was a child, zombie-obsessed Chihiro Furuya has wanted an undead girlfriend. Soon enough, his love for all things zombie comes in handy when his cat Baabu gets run over, prompting Chihiro to try to make a resurrection potion and bring him back to life. During his endeavor, he sees a rich girl named Rea Sanka yelling into an old well every day about her oppressive life. After meeting and bonding with her, Chihiro is convinced by Rea to persevere in saving Baabu. Eventually, he succeeds with the help of the poisonous hydrangea flowers from Rea's family garden. -- -- Unaware of the potion's success and seeking to escape the burdens of her life, Rea drinks the resurrection potion, mistakenly thinking she will die. Though it doesn't kill her, the effects still linger and her death from a fatal accident causes her to be reborn as a zombie. With help from Chihiro, Rea strives to adjust to her new—albeit undead—life. -- -- For a boy wanting a zombie girlfriend, this situation would seem like a dream come true. But in Sankarea, Chihiro's life becomes stranger than usual as he deals with Rea's odd new cravings and the unforeseen consequences of her transformation. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 481,086 7.34
Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden -- -- Platinum Vision -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Drama Vampire Josei -- Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden -- The Servamps and their pact-bound "Eves" are finally getting back to their normal lives as they recover from their injuries from the previous battles. However, when it starts snowing in the middle of summer, one of the Eves, Mahiru Shirota, suspects vampiric interference. Concerned by the strange phenomenon, he sets out to gather the group once more to try and solve the mystery; however, they suddenly lose contact with Misono Arisuin, the Eve of the Servamp of Lust. -- -- Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden delves into the untold past of Misono and his brother Mikuni Arisuin, as well as the many mysteries of the grand Arisuin Mansion. -- -- Movie - Apr 7, 2018 -- 18,487 7.20
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo Super Power -- Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear -- Due to her father's remarriage, robust 16-year-old Himeno Awayuki moves into a large mansion with a beautiful garden—the quintessential dream house for any girl her age. However, much to Himeno's disappointment, her new stepfamily doesn't really seem to like her, as her stepmother often occupies herself with her father, her younger stepsister Mawata ignores her, and her other stepsister—the equally aged Mayune—tries to prank her at every opportunity. -- -- But Himeno doesn't have time to dwell into thoughts of hopelessness—her new life has now become involved with a group of seven magical boys known as the Leafe Knights, after they ask her to become a magical princess who can borrow their powers! Although Himeno accepts their request and becomes the Prétear, she feels doubtful in her abilities to protect the world and its Leafe, the source of energy for all life. Will Himeno be able to find happiness among her new family and also save the Earth from the enemy, the Princess of Disaster? -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 54,536 7.19
Vampire in the Garden -- -- Wit Studio -- ? eps -- Original -- Vampire -- Vampire in the Garden Vampire in the Garden -- Once, vampires and humans lived in harmony. Now, a young girl and a vampire queen will search for that Paradise once again. In the divided world of the future, two girls want to do the forbidden: the human wants to play the violin, and the vampire wants to see a wider world. -- -- (Source: Netflix, edited) -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 2,514 N/AKyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu -- -- Madhouse -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural Vampire Shounen -- Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu -- Vampires are said to have many weaknesses such as garlic, crosses, and sunlight. Game-loving vampire lord Draluc just so happens to be weak to... everything. He dies, turning into a pile of ash, at the slightest shock. -- -- After Vampire Hunter Ronaldo learned of a castle inhabited by a vampire rumoured to have kidnapped a kid, he went there intending to take the devil down. However, the vampire turned out to be Draluc, a wimp who keeps turning into ash at the smallest things. Moreover, the kid wasn't being held captive—he was just using the "haunted house" as his personal playground! -- -- When his castle is destroyed, Draluc moves into Ronaldo's office, much to the other's chagrin. Despite their differences, they must try to work together to defend themselves from rogue vampires, Ronaldo's murderous editor, investigators, and more—with Draluc dying continuously along the way. -- -- (Source: MU, amended) -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 2,018 N/A -- -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- -- - -- 8 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula Tezuka Osamu no Don Dracula -- After living in Transylvania for several years, "Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website calls him in English) has moved to Japan. In the Nerima Ward of Tokyo, he and his daughter, Chocola, and faithful servant Igor have taken up residence in an old-Western style house. -- -- While Chocola attends Junior High School, Earl Dracula is desperate to drink the blood of beautiful virgin women; an appropriate meal for a vampire of his stature. However, each night that Earl Dracula goes out on the prowl he finds himself getting involved in some kind of disturbance which leads to him causing various trouble for the local residents. With nobody in Japan believing in vampires, his very presence causes trouble amongst the people in town. -- TV - Apr 5, 1982 -- 1,934 6.08
Violet Evergarden -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Violet Evergarden -- The Great War finally came to an end after four long years of conflict; fractured in two, the continent of Telesis slowly began to flourish once again. Caught up in the bloodshed was Violet Evergarden, a young girl raised for the sole purpose of decimating enemy lines. Hospitalized and maimed in a bloody skirmish during the War's final leg, she was left with only words from the person she held dearest, but with no understanding of their meaning. -- -- Recovering from her wounds, Violet starts a new life working at CH Postal Services after a falling out with her new intended guardian family. There, she witnesses by pure chance the work of an "Auto Memory Doll," amanuenses that transcribe people's thoughts and feelings into words on paper. Moved by the notion, Violet begins work as an Auto Memory Doll, a trade that will take her on an adventure, one that will reshape the lives of her clients and hopefully lead to self-discovery. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,142,261 8.64
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou -- Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. -- -- At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. -- -- Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister? -- -- Movie - Sep 6, 2019 -- 209,316 8.40
Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Drama Fantasy Slice of Life -- Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou -- The CH Postal Company has just received a request to transcribe a love letter from Irma Felice, a famous opera singer. Accepting the task, Violet Evergarden visits Irma to write her letter. However, not only does Irma provide little information, she asks Violet to write based on her own feelings. Despite Violet's numerous attempts, Irma finds every version of the letter inadequate. -- -- Violet consults her colleagues, and they help her out by writing love letters of their own. Yet even those are rejected by the opera singer. As a last resort, Violet asks Irma for her true thoughts and feelings, hoping to find the missing puzzle piece. Will the Auto Memory Doll be able to translate Irma's emotions into words? -- -- Special - Jul 4, 2018 -- 194,968 8.31
Violet Evergarden Movie -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Movie Violet Evergarden Movie -- Several years have passed since the end of The Great War. As the radio tower in Leidenschaftlich continues to be built, telephones will soon become more relevant, leading to a decline in demand for "Auto Memory Dolls." Even so, Violet Evergarden continues to rise in fame after her constant success with writing letters. However, sometimes the one thing you long for is the one thing that does not appear. -- -- Violet Evergarden Movie follows Violet as she continues to comprehend the concept of emotion and the meaning of love. At the same time, she pursues a glimmer of hope that the man who once told her, "I love you," may still be alive even after the many years that have passed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 18, 2020 -- 222,718 8.72
Violet Evergarden Movie -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama Fantasy -- Violet Evergarden Movie Violet Evergarden Movie -- Several years have passed since the end of The Great War. As the radio tower in Leidenschaftlich continues to be built, telephones will soon become more relevant, leading to a decline in demand for "Auto Memory Dolls." Even so, Violet Evergarden continues to rise in fame after her constant success with writing letters. However, sometimes the one thing you long for is the one thing that does not appear. -- -- Violet Evergarden Movie follows Violet as she continues to comprehend the concept of emotion and the meaning of love. At the same time, she pursues a glimmer of hope that the man who once told her, "I love you," may still be alive even after the many years that have passed. -- -- Movie - Sep 18, 2020 -- 222,718 8.72
Yao Jing Zhong Zhi Shou Ce -- -- BigFireBird Animation -- 14 eps -- Manga -- Action Slice of Life Comedy Drama Ecchi Fantasy -- Yao Jing Zhong Zhi Shou Ce Yao Jing Zhong Zhi Shou Ce -- On his way to a convention, Yuan Ding, an otaku, finds himself transported to another world. A fantasy world with magic and demons. After failing the entrance exam at Shuo Yue Academy, he decides to become a gardener where he learns about the fairy seed. Yuan Ding's life in another world begins, aiming to collect the fairies said to exist in the legends to change his destiny and become the protagonist of this new world. -- ONA - Jan 17, 2020 -- 9,860 6.57
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy School Shoujo -- Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! -- A direct continuation of the former season, this series again follows the story of Nozomi Yumehara and her friends from Yes! Precure 5. The girls who had formerly lost their powers and bade farewell to their friends Coco and Nuts from Palmier Kingdom are resurrected as Pretty Cure by the mysterious woman Flora who also wants them to find her in a place called Cure Rosegarden. To go there, they need the magic Rose Pact and the powers of the four kings of countries surrounding Palmier. But a dark organization called Eternal is also striving to get to Cure Rosegarden by stealing the Rose Pact. Luckily, Precure get helped by new allies: the delivery-boy Syrup who can change into a giant bird and fly them anywhere they want and the mysterious and beautiful fighter Milky Rose stand alongside Pretty Cure to protect what is really valuable. -- 7,837 7.13
Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid Youjuu Sensen Adventure Kid -- Episode 1: A young man named Norikazu finds a computer from World War II buried in his back garden. When he activates it, he and a girl named Midori are transported to Hell where erotic creatures and monsters of different kinds live. They meet some friends including a sexy elf type woman named Eganko who falls in love with Norikazu, and a perverted monster prince who is soon enslaved by Midori. Using their new friends the pair try to make the dangerous journey back home. -- -- Episode 2: Having made their way back home the adventure duo find the world they knew is gone, and is now ruled by the demonic computer which first sent them to Hell. They travel back in time to World War II Japan in an attempt to stop the world from being changed. Notably, in doing so they witness the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima, and there is an appearance of the Enola Gay, as well as numerous symbols of Japanese culture at the time. -- -- Episode 3: This episode has a humorous love-quadrangle plot, where Eganko comes up with a plan to make Norikazu fall in love with her with a love potion, and simultaneously make Midori fall in love with an egotistical young man from her school. Unsurprisingly their plan backfires and everyone gets what they deserve. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Jul 21, 1992 -- 1,944 5.33"Anfiteatro"_in_the_garden_of_Palazzo_Borromeo_(Isola_Bella)"Garden_within_the_walls",_Samchyky_Estate"Olive",_Olive_Mount_Gardens'Abid(attributed)_The_Prophet_and_the_Persian_physician._Folio_from_a_Gulistan_(Rosegarden)_by_Sa'di._Text_dated_1468,_paintings_repainted_ca._1645,_Freer_and_Sackler_Gallery,_Washington.jpg;_sermons_preached_in_St._Peter's,_Cranley_gardens,_1883-4_(IA_agnosticismsermo00momeiala).pdf'Agony_in_the_Garden'_by_Nicolas_Poussin,_oil_on_copper,_c._1627.JPG,_Gardens_of_the_Old_Santa_Barbara_Mission,_California_(NYPL_b11707286-G89F354_009F).tiff,_Gardens_of_the_Old_Santa_Barbara_Mission,_California_(NYPL_b11707286-G89F354_010F).tiff,_Gardens_of_the_Old_Santa_Barbara_Mission,_California_(NYPL_b11707286-G89F354_011F).tiff,_Gardens_of_the_Old_Santa_Barbara_Mission,_California_(NYPL_b11707286-G89F354_012F).tiff"A_shady_corner_in_a_Yuma_garden",_showing_furrowed_soil,_(s.d.)_(CHS-46503).jpg,_Poet's_Corner,_Pembroke_Lodge_Garden,_Richmond_Park.jpg's_boatshed,_Sydney_(7173895134).jpg'Garden_of_Ada'.jpg,_Jesus_and_Buddha_(R)._Akhenaten_(opp.)_-_Gell,_Portland,_Oregon_(2013)_-_9.jpeg!!_Kitchen_Garden_fountain_sculpture_as_part_of_San_Anton_Palace.jpg,_Wavertree_(5).JPG,_Wavertree_(6).JPG,_Olive_Mount_Gardens_2017.jpg'Picking_Flowers_in_a_Classical_Garden'_By_Niels_Fristrup.jpg"Plant_a_WIN_garden"_button.JPG"Pond_in_a_Garden"_(fresco_from_the_Tomb_of_Nebamun).jpg,_2015,_during_his_participation_in_the_Children,_Alexander_Garden_welcomes_Michael_G._Mullen_2009-06-26_2.jpg,_at_Covent_Garden_Theatre.jpg,_Franciscan_monks_under_the_ancient_olive-trees,_and_an_Arab_gardener_at_work_(NYPL_b10607452-80305).tiff"Anfiteatro"_in_the_garden_of_Palazzo_Borromeo_(Isola_Bella)"Garden_within_the_walls",_Samchyky_Estate"Olive",_Olive_Mount_Gardens"Anfiteatro"_in_the_garden_of_Palazzo_Borromeo_(Isola_Bella)"Garden_within_the_walls",_Samchyky_Estate"Olive",_Olive_Mount_Gardens"Anfiteatro"_in_the_garden_of_Palazzo_Borromeo_(Isola_Bella)"Garden_within_the_walls",_Samchyky_Estate"Olive",_Olive_Mount_Gardens"Anfiteatro"+in+the+garden+of+Palazzo+Borromeo+(Isola+Bella)"Garden+within+the+walls",+Samchyky+Estate"Olive",+Olive+Mount+Gardens"Anfiteatro"+in+the+garden+of+Palazzo+Borromeo+(Isola+Bella)"Garden+within+the+walls",+Samchyky+Estate"Olive",+Olive+Mount+Gardens"Anfiteatro"+in+the+garden+of+Palazzo+Borromeo+(Isola+Bella)"Garden+within+the+walls",+Samchyky+Estate"Olive",+Olive+Mount+Gardens
12 Gardens Live
18 Collingham Gardens
1936 Madison Square Garden speech
1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden
2010 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol
2010 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol Doubles
2010 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol Singles
2011 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol
2011 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol Doubles
2011 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol Singles
2012 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol
2012 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol Doubles
2012 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol Singles
2015 Garden Open Doubles
2015 Garden Open Singles
2016 Garden Open Doubles
2016 Garden Open Singles
2017 Garden Open Doubles
2017 Garden Open Singles
2018 Garden Open Doubles
2018 Garden Open Singles
2019 Garden Open Doubles
2019 Garden Open Singles
Aarhus Botanical Gardens
Abandoned Garden
Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens
Aberdeen City Garden Project
Aberdeen Gardens
Aberdeen Gardens, Washington
Abilene Zoological Gardens
ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Garden
Acacia Gardens, New South Wales
Academy Gardens, Philadelphia
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden
A Child's Garden of Verses
Adelaide Botanic Garden
Adelaide Himeji Garden
Afif-Abad Garden
Afton Villa Gardens
A Garden in the Rain
A Garden of Pomegranates
Agdal Gardens
Agder Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
A Gift from a Flower to a Garden
Agony in the Garden
Aimee Teegarden
Al Azhar Memorial Garden
Aldridge Botanical Gardens
Alec Garden Fraser
Alexander Garden
Alexander Garden (poet)
Alexander Garden (priest)
Alexander Garden (Saint Petersburg)
Alexander Muir Memorial Gardens
Alexandra Gardens
Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden
Alison Hartman Gardens
Allan Gardens
Allenby Gardens, South Australia
Allen Centennial Gardens
Allen Gardens
Allerton Garden
Allied Gardens, San Diego
Allotment (gardening)
Aloha Garden Tateyama
Alpine Botanical Garden of Campo Imperatore
Alpine Botanical Garden Saussurea
Alpine garden
Alpine Garden Society
Altgeld Gardens Homes
Amateur Gardening (magazine)
Amelia Park Ice Rink and Memorial Garden
American Community Gardening Association
American Museum and Gardens
American Orchid Society Visitors Center and Botanical Garden
American Public Gardens Association
Amity Gardens, Pennsylvania
Amoy Gardens
Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden
An Afternoon in the Garden
Andrew VanWyngarden
Andrew Wilson (garden designer)
Andromeda Gardens
Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West
A Night at the Garden
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Antioch Mission Baptist Church of Miami Gardens
Aphrodite, the Garden of the Perfumes
Archbishop's Garden
Archibald Stirling, Lord Garden
ArcticAlpine Botanic Garden
Arctic-Alpine Garden of the Walter Meusel Foundation
Ardastra Gardens, Zoo and Conservation Centre
Arlington Antebellum Home & Gardens
Armistead Gardens, Baltimore
Army of the Western Garden
Arnett Gardens F.C.
Arroyo Gardens-La Tina Ranch, Texas
Arroyo Gardens, Texas
ArtGardens of Pittsburgh
Artigas Gardens
Arts Garden
Asian garden dormouse
A Sound Garden
Aspendale Gardens, Victoria
Aspen Gardens, Edmonton
As Recorded at Madison Square Garden
Atalaya and Brookgreen Gardens
Atholl Gardens
Atlanta Botanical Garden
Atomic Garden
Atomic Garden (band)
Atomic gardening
Auburn Botanic Gardens
Auckland Botanic Gardens
Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium
Audubon House and Tropical Gardens
Augusta Botanical Gardens
Aullwood House and Garden
Aurora Teagarden
Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden
Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan
Australian garden orb weaver spider
Australian Inland Botanic Gardens
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian Organic Farming and Gardening Society
Avalon Gardens
Avebury Manor and Garden
Award of Garden Merit
A Woman Walking in a Garden
Back to the Garden
Back to the Secret Garden
Bah gardens
Bali Botanic Garden
Bank Hall Gardens
Bardini Gardens
Barnes' garden eel
Barnsdale Gardens
Bartlett Arboretum and Gardens
Bartram's Garden
Battle of Fair Garden
Batumi Botanical Garden
Baumgardener's Covered Bridge
Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens
Bayshore Gardens, Florida
Bayshore Gardens (Tampa)
Bay View Garden And Yard Society
Bay View Gardens, Illinois
BBC Gardeners' World
Beaumont Botanical Gardens
Beauxart Gardens, Texas
Bedford Gardens, London
Bedrock Gardens
Beer garden
Behind the Gardens
Beijing Garden Expo Park
Belgian Gardens, Queensland
Bellaire Gardens, Ohio
Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden
Bellevue Botanical Garden
Belle Vue Zoological Gardens
Bell Gardens, California
Bellingrath Gardens and Home
Belmont House and Gardens
Belvedere House and Gardens
Benalla Botanical Gardens
Ben-Gurion International Airport Garden
Benmore Botanic Garden
Benmore Gardens
Bents Garden Centre
Berkeley Rose Garden
Berlin Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum
Berlin Zoological Garden
Bernardinai Garden
Bern Botanical Garden
Berry Botanic Garden
Better Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens (magazine)
Better Homes and Gardens (TV program)
Beverley Gardens
Beverly Caon Gardens
Biblical garden
Bidadari Garden
Biedenharn Museum and Gardens
Biodynamic Farming & Gardening Association
Bird Garden of Isfahan
Birdland Park and Gardens
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Birmingham Gardens, New South Wales
Birpara Tea Garden
Bispham Rock Gardens
Black Garden
Black garden ant
Black garden eel
Blake Garden
Blake Garden AA
Blake Garden, Hong Kong
Blake Garden (Kensington, California)
Blandwood Mansion and Gardens
Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum
Blue Gardenia
Blue Mountains Botanic Garden
Bobby Rosengarden
Boboli Gardens
Bodnant Garden
Bog garden
Bogor Botanical Gardens
Bogot Botanical Garden
Bok Tower Gardens
Bonnard J. Teegarden
Booderee National Park and Botanic Gardens
Borde Hill Garden
Born in the Gardens
Boston Common and Public Garden
Boston Garden
Boston Garden-Arena Corporation
Boston Public Garden
Boston Public Garden 9/11 Memorial
Botanical and Zoological Garden of Tsimbazaza
Botanical garden
Botanical Garden and Eco-Park, Sitakunda
Botanical Garden Atocha-La Liria
Botanical Garden, Bonn
Botanical garden (disambiguation)
Botanical Garden Erlangen
Botanical Garden Frankfurt
Botanical Garden Hamma
Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg
Botanical Garden of Curitiba
Botanical garden of Dsseldorf
Botanical Garden of Faial
Botanical Garden of Medelln
Botanical Garden of Mrida
Botanical Garden of Naples
Botanical Garden of Ruhr University Bochum
Botanical Garden of Santa Catalina
Botanical Garden of So Paulo
Botanical Garden of the Comenius University
Botanical Garden of the Ozarks
Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra
Botanical Garden of the University of Duisburg-Essen
Botanical Garden of the University of Halle-Wittenberg
Botanical Garden of the University of Heidelberg
Botanical Garden of the University of Innsbruck
Botanical Garden of the University of Konstanz
Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna
Botanical Garden of Tohoku University
Botanical Garden of TU Braunschweig
Botanical Garden of TU Darmstadt
Botanical garden of Upper Brittany
Botanical Garden of Valencia
Botanical Garden of Vilnius University
Botanical Garden, Potsdam
Botanical Gardens at Asheville
Botanical Gardens Faculty of Science Osaka City University
Botanical Gardens (Tirana)
Botanic Garden of Casimir the Great University, Bydgoszcz
Botanic Garden of the Jagiellonian University
Botanic Garden of Wrzburg University
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority
Botanic Gardens (Belfast)
Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Botanic Garden silver dollar
Botanic Gardens of Toyama
Botanic Gardens St. Vincent
Boulevard Gardens Apartments
Boulevard Gardens, Florida
Boxing from Sunnyside Gardens
Brandywine Wildflower and Native Plant Gardens
Bridge End Gardens
Brindavan Gardens
Brisbane Botanic Gardens
Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mount Coot-tha
Brocken Garden
Broderie (garden feature)
Brookgreen Gardens
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brookside Gardens
Brown garden eel
Bucharest Botanical Garden
Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden
Budweiser Gardens
Buenos Aires Botanical Garden
Burke's Garden Central Church and Cemetery
Busch Gardens
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Buskett Gardens
Butchart Gardens
Butterfly Garden, Grevenmacher
Butterfly gardening
Butterfly Peace Garden
Buxton Pavilion Gardens
Byzantine gardens
California Botanic Garden
Cambridge Gardens, New South Wales
Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Camden Children's Garden
Canadian Gardening
Canadian Homes and Gardens
Caribbean Gardens
Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Gardens
Carlton Gardens
Carousel Gardens Amusement Park
Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn
Car, the Garden
Carver City-Lincoln Gardens
Casa Garden
Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens
Castle Gardens
Castor Gardens, Philadelphia
Cathedral of the Incarnation (Garden City, New York)
Cedarvale Botanic Garden and Restaurant
Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens
Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Central Gardens Nature Reserve
Central Gardens, Texas
Century Garden
Cestyll Garden
Chanousia Alpine Botanical Garden
Chanticleer Garden
Charleston Tea Garden
Charlie Teagarden
Charon Gardens Wilderness Area
Chater Garden
Chatham Garden Theatre
Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art
Chelsea Physic Garden
Chemical garden
Cherokee Botanical Garden and Nature Trail
Cherokee Gardens, Louisville
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chickasaw Gardens
Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Botanical Gardens
Chihuly Garden and Glass
Chinese garden
Chinese Garden of Friendship
Chinese Garden of Serenity
Chinese Garden, Singapore
Chinese Garden, Zrich
Chinzan-s Garden
ChiSandra Garden
Chiinu Botanical Garden
Christ Cathedral (Garden Grove, California)
Christchurch Botanic Gardens
Christopher Lloyd (gardener)
Chunnenuggee Ridge Public Garden
Chuvit Garden
Cibodas Botanical Garden
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Cinnamon Gardens
Cimigiu Gardens
City Botanic Gardens
City Gardens
City Garden (Sofia)
Clarence Gardens, South Australia
Clarke's Gardens
Classical Gardens of Suzhou
Clavijero Botanical Garden
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland Cultural Gardens
Clifton Gardens, New South Wales
Climate-friendly gardening
Climbing garden
Clipping (gardening)
Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens
Colac Botanic Gardens
Colasanti's Tropical Gardens
Cologne Zoological Garden
Colonel Light Gardens, South Australia
Colonial Gardens
Colonial Park Arboretum and Gardens
Colonial Revival garden
Color garden
Columbia Gardens (amusement park)
Comendador Ho Yin Garden
Come to My Garden
Comfort Women Memorial Peace Garden
Comilla Zoo and Botanical Garden
Common garden skink
Communal garden
Community gardening
Community gardens in Nebraska
Community gardens in New York City
Company's Garden
Complete English Gardener
Computer-aided garden design
Conant Gardens
Concert in the Garden
Conejo Valley Botanic Garden
Confederation Garden Court
Conservation and restoration of historic gardens
Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva
Conservatory Garden
Container garden
Conversations with My Gardener
Cooks Gardens
Coral Gardens
Coral Gardens and Their Magic
Coral Gardens incident
Cornell Botanic Gardens
Cornwall Gardens
Cottage garden
Country Garden
Country Gardens
Couple's Retreat Garden
Covent Garden
Covent Garden, Cambridge
Coventry Gardens
Cox Arboretum and Gardens MetroPark
Craiova Botanical Garden
Cranley Gardens
Craven Hill Gardens
Cremorne Gardens
Cremorne Gardens, London
Cressingham Gardens
Creswell Gardens
Crown Gardens
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden
CSS Zen Garden
Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens
Cuper's Gardens
Curepipe Botanic Gardens
Cushing House Museum and Garden
Cypress Gardens
Cypress Gardens, Florida
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden
Dalton Gardens, Idaho
Dalworthington Gardens, Texas
Danny Woo International District Community Garden
Dave's Garden
David Teegarden
Deanery Garden
Death in a French Garden
Death in the Garden
Deepdene House and Gardens
Delights of the Garden
Delmar LoopParkview Gardens Historic District
Demons in the Garden
Denver Urban Gardens
Derreen Garden
Desert Garden Conservatory
Dessau-Wrlitz Garden Realm
Devil's Garden (disambiguation)
Devils Garden (Arches National Park)
Devils Garden (Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument)
Devils Garden volcanic field
Dewdrops in the Garden
Dinosaur Gardens
Disco Gardens
Discovery-Spring Garden, Maryland
Dixon Gallery and Gardens
Dobbies Garden Centres
Doctors' Garden
Dominica Botanical Gardens
Dominique Girard (garden designer)
Donnelly House and Gardens
Dorset Garden Theatre
Dotted garden eel
Dover Gardens, South Australia
Down by the Salley Gardens
Down in the Willow Garden
Draft:Black Garden (film)
Draft:Michael Perry (gardener)
Drapers' Gardens
Dream a Garden
Dresden Botanical Garden
DR Gardens
Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso National Botanical Garden
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
Dubnow Garden
Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Duke Gardens
Duke of Terceira Garden
Dunedin Botanic Garden
Dunedin Chinese Garden
Duquesne Gardens
Durban Botanic Gardens
Durham University Botanic Garden
Dutch garden
Dyffryn Gardens
Eastcote House Gardens
East Garden City, New York
Eastland Gardens
Eastlawn Gardens, Pennsylvania
Ebbw Vale Garden Festival
Ecological-Botanical Garden of the University of Bayreuth
Ecotat Gardens and Arboretum
Eden Garden
Eden Gardens
Edificio Victory Garden
Edinburgh Gardens, Melbourne
Edmonton Gardens
Ednor Gardens-Lakeside, Baltimore
Edward Garden
Eivind ygarden
Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres
Elgin Botanic Garden
Elitch Gardens
Elitch Gardens Carousel
Elitch Gardens Theme Park
Elizabeth and Her German Garden
Elk Rock Gardens of the Bishop's Close
Ellegarden (album)
Ellegarden Best (19992008)
Elmhurst Sculpture Garden
Elton 60 Live at Madison Square Garden
Emmetts Garden
Empty Garden (Hey Hey Johnny)
Enchanted Floral Gardens of Kula, Maui
Endsleigh Gardens
Eneio Botanical Garden
English Garden (disambiguation)
English landscape garden
Enid A. Haupt Garden
Enid A. Haupt Glass Garden
Enigma garden eel
EnriquilloPlantain Garden fault zone
Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival
Eram Garden
Escape from the Shadow Garden Live 2014
Ethel M Botanical Cactus Garden
Etretat Gardens
Evanston Gardens, South Australia
Everything in the Garden
Exbury Gardens
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden (Cole)
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden
Fairy Lake Botanical Garden
False garden mantis
Famous Fights from Madison Square Garden
Fantasy Gardens
Fantasy: Mariah Carey at Madison Square Garden
Farnese Gardens
Faustino Miranda Botanical Garden
Ferdows Garden
Fernwood Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve
Figarden, California
Fig Garden Village Open Invitational
Fine Gardening
Fin Garden
Finnerty Gardens
Fireflies in the Garden
First Baptist Church (Garden City, Minnesota)
Fitzroy Gardens
Five Peaks Garden
Flagstaff Gardens
F. L. Ames Gardener's Cottage
Flaybrick Memorial Gardens
Flecker Botanical Gardens
Fletcher Moss Botanical Garden
Flora Botanical Garden
Flora Garden
Florida Botanical Gardens
Flower garden
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Flower Garden (solitaire)
Flower (Soundgarden song)
Fontvieille Park and Princess Grace Rose Garden
Fools Garden
Forbury Gardens
Forest gardenia
Forest gardening
Forestiere Underground Gardens
Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, South (Plantation, Florida)
Forestry Botanical Garden and Arboretum
Formal garden
Former National Westminster Bank, Spring Gardens, Manchester
Forodhani Gardens
For Sale (Fool's Garden album)
Fort William Gardens
Foster Botanical Garden
Fothergilla gardenii
Foxfire Botanical Gardens
Francis Garden
Francis Garden, Lord Gardenstone
Frankfurt Zoological Garden
Franklin's Gardens
Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden
Freckled garden eel
Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
Frederiksberg Gardens
Freiburg Botanical Garden
French formal garden
French landscape garden
Friends of the Public Garden
Fruit in the Neighbour's Garden
Fukuoka Municipal Zoo and Botanical Garden
Fulham Gardens, South Australia
Furman University Asian Garden
Furnival Gardens
Fuse Rocks the Garden
Gainsborough Gardens
Galapagos garden eel
Gardena (bug)
Gardena, California
Gardena (company)
Garden Acres, California
Garden (album)
Garden & Gun
Garden and Gun Club
Gardena, North Dakota
Gardena Pass
Gardena Ronda Express
Garden, Ashes
Garden at Buckingham Palace
Garden at Sainte-Adresse
Gardena Valley News
Garden-based learning
Garden Bridge
Garden buildings
Garden carpet
Garden Centers of America
Garden centre
Garden Cities of To-morrow
Garden City
Garden City, Alabama
Garden City (album)
Garden City Broncbusters
Garden City, Cairo
Garden City College
Garden City Collegiate
Garden City, Colorado
Garden City, Georgia
Garden City Hotel
Garden City, Idaho
Garden City, Iowa
Garden City (Jacksonville)
Garden City, Kansas
Garden City, Michigan
Garden City, Missouri
Garden CityMitchel Field Secondary
Garden city movement
Garden City National Forest
Garden City, New York
Garden City Park, New York
Garden City Radio 89.9
Garden City Regional Airport
Garden City Shopping Centre
Garden City, South Carolina
Garden City, South Dakota
Garden City South, New York
Garden City Telegram
Garden City, Texas
Garden City USD 457
Garden City, Utah
Garden City Wind
Garden City, Winnipeg
Garden club
Garden Club of America
Garden Court Apartments
Garden Court Condominiums
Garden Court, Philadelphia
Garden Cove, Florida
Garden Creek site
Garden cress
Gardendale, Alabama
Gardendale, Corpus Christi, Texas
Gardendale First Baptist Church
Gardendale, Texas
Garden dart
Garden delphiniums
Garden design
Garden designer
Garden (disambiguation)
Garden District
Garden District, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Garden District, Toronto
Garden dormouse
Garden Egg chair
Garden emerald
Gardener 1NT
Gardener of Eden
Gardeners' Question Time
Gardeners' World
Gardeners' World Live
Garden Farms, California
Garden F.C.
Garden festival
Garden fork
Garden furniture
Garden Glacier
Garden gnome
Garden Grove
Garden Grove, California
Garden Grove, Florida
Garden Grove, Iowa
Garden gun
Garden hermit
Garden Hill First Nation
Garden Hills
Garden History Society
Garden Homes
Garden Homes Historic District
Garden HomeWhitford, Oregon
Garden hose
Garden hotels
Garden Hotspurs FC
Garden house
Gardenia Bakeries (Malaysia)
Gardenia, Belize
Gardenia brighamii
Gardenia (disambiguation)
Gardenia (film)
Gardenia gummifera
Gardenia jasminoides
Gardenia mannii
Gardenia remyi
Gardenia Stakes
Gardenia taitensis
Gardenia thunbergia
Gardening at Night
Gardening (cryptanalysis)
Gardening for Kids with Madi
Gardening for the Million
Gardening in restricted spaces
Gardening in Scotland
Gardening in Spain
Gardening Leave (charity)
Gardening Mama
Gardening Mama 2: Forest Friends
Garden in the City
Garden in the Woods
Garden in Transit
Garden Island
Garden Island Creek
Garden Island (Michigan)
Garden Island Naval Chapel
Garden Island Naval Precinct
Garden Island (New South Wales)
Garden Island (Ontario)
Garden Island (Western Australia)
Garden, Karachi
Garden Key Light
Gardenland, Sacramento, California
Garden leave
Garden Lodge, Kensington
Garden Media Guild
Garden, Michigan
Garden Museum
Garden Oaks, Houston
Garden of Allah
Garden of Allah Hotel
Garden of Archimedes
Garden of Chaos
Garden of Delete
Garden of Delights
Garden of Earthly Delights (disambiguation)
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden (1954 film)
Garden of Eden (cellular automaton)
Garden of Eden (disambiguation)
Garden of Eden (Guns N' Roses song)
Garden of Eden (Venice)
Garden of Evil
Garden of Five Senses
Garden of Forgiveness
Garden of Heaven
Garden of Kama
Garden of Love
Garden of Love (album)
Garden of Love (film)
Garden of Morning Calm
Garden of Ninfa
Garden of One Thousand Buddhas
Garden of Palms
Garden of Peace
Garden of Pleasance
Garden of Prayer
Garden of Remembrance
Garden of Remembrance (album)
Garden of Remembrance (Dublin)
Garden of Ridvn
Garden of Ridvn, Baghdad
Garden of Santa Barbara (Braga)
Garden of Shadows
Garden of the Arcane Delights
Garden of the Arcane Delights - The John Peel Sessions
Garden of the Dead
Garden of the Gods
Garden of the gods (Sumerian paradise)
Garden of the Gods Trading Post
Garden of the Gods Wilderness
Garden of the Missing in Action
Garden of the Moon
Garden of the Provinces and Territories
Garden of the Purple Dragon
Garden of the Righteous
Garden of the Righteous Among the Nations
Garden of the Righteous, Warsaw
Garden of the Titans: Live at Red Rocks Amphitheater
Garden Open
Garden Organic
Garden Palace
Garden Park, Colorado
Garden Parkway
Garden Party (2017 film)
Garden party (disambiguation)
Garden Party (festival)
Garden Party (Rick Nelson song)
Garden-path sentence
Garden patience
Garden Peach
Garden Plain
Garden Plain, Kansas
Garden Plain Township
Garden Point Airport
Garden pond
Garden Reach
Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
Garden Ridge, Texas
Garden Ring
Garden roses
Gardens Alive!
Gardens & Villa
Garden sanctuary
Gardens at Heather Farm
Gardens at Temple Square
Gardens by the Bay
Gardenscapes: New Acres
Gardens Casino
Gardens for Health International
Garden sharing
Gardens in Autumn
Gardens in Northern Ireland
Gardens in the Republic of Ireland
Garden slender salamander
Garden Society of Gothenburg
Gardens of ancient Egypt
Gardens of Augustus
Gardens of Babur
Gardens of Bomarzo
Gardens of Lucullus
Gardens of Maecenas
Gardens of Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur
Gardens of Sallust
Gardens of Stone
Gardens of Stone National Park
Gardens of the Fox Cities
Gardens of the French Renaissance
Gardens of the Moon
Gardens of the Sun
Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn
Gardens of Vatican City
Gardens of Versailles
Garden Song
Gardens Point, Brisbane
Garden Suburb, New South Wales
Garden (Summer Edit)
Garden Theater
Garden Theatre
Garden Theatre (Winter Garden, Florida)
Garden tiger moth
Garden tool
Garden Tower
Garden town (disambiguation)
Garden Town (Pakistan)
Garden Township
Garden Township, Michigan
Garden, Utah
Gardenvale, Victoria
Garden Valley
Garden Valley, California
Garden Valley, Idaho
Garden Valley, Texas
Garden Valley, Wisconsin
Garden Variety (band)
Gardenview Horticultural Park
Garden View, Pennsylvania
Garden Village
Garden Village A.F.C.
Garden Villas, Houston
GardenvilleNorth Branch Rural Historic District
Garden Walk Buffalo
Garden Wall (disambiguation)
Garden warbler
Garden waste dumping
Garden World Images
Garden writing
Gatorade Garden City Complex
Geelong Botanic Gardens
George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens
George Garden
George Gardenhire
George Garden (minister)
George L. Luthy Memorial Botanical Garden
Georgia Perimeter College Botanical Garden
Gerald R. Ford Birthsite and Gardens
German garden
Geyuan Garden
GFL Memorial Gardens
Ghazala Gardens hotel
Gholhak Garden
Gibberd Garden
Gibraltar Botanic Gardens
Gibran Khalil Gibran Garden
Gilbert's garden eel
Gilgal Sculpture Garden
Gilroy Gardens
Girl's Garden
Glasgow Botanic Gardens
Glasgow Garden Festival
Glass Garden
Glendurgan Garden
Glenfalloch Gardens
Global Garden
Goddards House and Garden
Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens
Golden Gardens Park
Golding Constable's Vegetable Garden
Golshan Garden
Goodview Garden stop
Gordon the Garden Gnome
Gothenburg Botanical Garden
Government Botanical Gardens, Ooty
Government Gardens
Government Rose Garden, Ooty
Graeme Garden
Grandview Gardens
Granny's Garden
Grant Gardens
Graves into Gardens
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
Greek gardens
Green Animals Topiary Garden
Greenbank Garden
Green Garden
Green Garden Pop
Green Garden Township
Greenhill Gardens, New Barnet
Green Spring Gardens Park
Greenwood Gardens
Greifswald Botanic Garden and Arboretum
Grey Gardens
Grey Gardens (2009 film)
Grey Gardens (musical)
Grosvenor Gardens
Grosvenor Gardens House
Guerrilla gardening
Guild Park and Gardens
Guyana Botanical Gardens
Guyi Garden
Gwendwr Gardens
HaAliya HaShniya Garden
Halfway Gardens
Halifax Public Gardens
Halsnead Garden Village
Hamarikyu Gardens
Hampstead Gardens, South Australia
Hampstead Garden Suburb
Hampton Court Garden Festival
Hanging Garden
Hanging garden (cultivation)
Hanging Garden (film)
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Hanging Gardens of Mumbai
Hansel and Gretel Picture Garden Pocket Utopia
Harcourt Garden
Harmony Garden
Harmony Garden, Scottish Borders
Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies
Harris Garden
Harry P. Leu Gardens
Hatton Garden
Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary
Haunted garden
Hawaiian garden eel
Hawaiian Gardens, California
Haygarden, Rhode Island
Head gardener
Helen H. Gardener
Henrietta Street, Covent Garden
Heritage gardens in Australia
Heritage Museums and Gardens
Herman Gardens
Herrenhausen Gardens
Hialeah Gardens, Florida
Hidcote Manor Garden
High Times The Best of Fools Garden
Higo Hosokawa Garden
Hilton Garden Inn
Hilton Garden Inn Kampala
Himeji City Tegarayama Botanical Garden
Hiranandani Gardens, Mumbai
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
History of gardening
History of parks and gardens of Paris
Hohenheim Gardens
Hokkaido University Botanical Gardens
Holborn and Covent Garden (ward)
Holehird Gardens
Home & Garden
Home garden
Home Garden, California
Home Gardens, California
Homes & Gardens
Homewood Memorial Gardens
Hong Kong Dragon Garden
Hong Kong Garden
Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany
Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden
Hopewell Gardens, Florida
Horniman Circle Gardens
Hot August Night/NYC: Live from Madison Square Garden
House & Garden
House & Garden (magazine)
House & Garden (plays)
Houston Gardens, Houston
Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens of Baltimore
Howgills, Letchworth Garden City
Hryshko National Botanical Garden
Huajiachi Botanical Garden
Hull Botanical Gardens
Humble Administrator's Garden
Humboldt Botanical Gardens
Hunter Valley Gardens
Huntsville Botanical Garden
Hurlingham Gardens
Husqvarna Garden
H.V. McKay Memorial Gardens
Hyde Park Gardens
Hyde Park Gardens Mews
Hyderabad Botanical Garden
Hydroponic garden
Iai Botanical Garden
I Build This Garden for Us
Ibusuki Experimental Botanical Garden
Impact gardening
Imperial Gardens
Independent Garden Center Show
Index of gardening articles
Indiana Botanic Gardens
Indian Wells Tennis Garden
Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden
I Need to Start a Garden
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (novel)
In My Father's Garden
Inniswood Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve
In Our Garden
In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens
In Sunlight, in a Beautiful Garden
Intercultural Garden
International Garden Expo 83
International Garden Festival
International Peace Garden
International Peace Garden Airport
International Rose Test Garden
Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena Sdtirol
In the Enchanted Garden
In the Garden
In the Garden (1912 song)
In the Garden (EP)
In the Garden of Beasts
In the Garden of Iden
In the Garden of Souls
In the Garden of Venus
In the Night Garden...
Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes in Scotland
Inveresk Lodge Garden
Irish National War Memorial Gardens
Islamic garden
Iveagh Gardens
I Want You (Savage Garden song)
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
Jack Teagarden
Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
James Garden
James Garden Ramsay
Japanese Friendship Garden
Japanese Friendship Garden (Balboa Park)
Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix
Japanese Friendship Garden (San Jose)
Japanese garden
Japanese Garden (Ashland, Oregon)
Japanese Garden (Houston)
Japanese Garden (Micke Grove Regional Park)
Japanese Garden, Montevideo
Japanese Garden of Peace
Japanese Gardens (Hayward, California)
Japanese rock garden
Japanese Tea Garden
Japanese Tea Garden (San Francisco)
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute
Jazz in the Garden at the Museum of Modern Art
Jean-Kersley Gardenne
Jeffers Garden, Oregon
Jephson Gardens
Jerry E. Clegg Botanic Garden
Jerry Maygarden
Jesuit Garden
Jesuit Garden (Beirut)
Jhalobia Recreation Park and Garden
Jibou Botanical Garden
Jichang Garden
Jindai Botanical Garden
Jingming Garden
Jnan Sbil Gardens
Joan Roughgarden
Jock Garden
John Ball Zoological Garden
John Gardener
John Gardener (diplomat)
Johnny Cash at Madison Square Garden
Jon igarden
Joseph Baptista Gardens
Joseph Martin (gardener)
Joseph "Pleasant Gardens" McDowell
Jubilee Gardens
Jubilee Gardens, Lambeth
Jumeirah Garden City
Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
Kagoshima Botanical Garden
Kahanu Garden
Kahlil Gibran Memorial Garden (Washington, D.C.)
Kanagawa Prefectural Ofuna Botanical Garden
Kanapaha Botanical Gardens
Kandawgyi Gardens
Karin Grech Garden
Kashmere Gardens, Houston
Katherine Mansfield House and Garden
Kelly's Garden
Kemnal Park Cemetery & Memorial Gardens
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
Kensington Court Gardens
Kensington Gardens (play)
Kensington Palace Gardens
Kensington Roof Gardens
Kershaw Gardens
Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens Hills, Queens
Kew Gardens Interchange
Kew Gardens, Queens
Kew Gardens (Toronto)
Kew Gardens train crash
Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden
Kiftsgate Court Gardens
Kindergarden (demoparty)
King's Garden
Kings of Bachata: Sold Out at Madison Square Garden
Kiniski Gardens, Edmonton
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
Kitayama Botanical Garden
Kitchen garden
Kittenberger Klmn Zoo & Botanical Garden
Klausewitz's garden eel
Knot garden
Koishikawa Botanical Garden
Koko Crater Botanical Garden
Korean garden
Kubota Garden
KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden
Kyiv Botanical Gardens
Kyoto Botanical Garden
Kyoto Gardens of Honolulu Memorial Park
Ky-Furukawa Gardens
Ky-Iwasaki-tei Garden
Ky Shiba Riky Garden
Ladew Topiary Gardens
Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden
Lae Botanic Gardens
Lakeshore Gardens-Hidden Acres, Texas
Lamb and Flag, Covent Garden
L&B Spumoni Gardens
Lankester Botanical Garden
Lan Su Chinese Garden
Las Vegas Garden of Love
Lauritzen Gardens
Law Garden
Leaming's Run Gardens
Leawood Gardens
Ledbetter Gardens, Dallas
Leeds Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Lee Garden
Lee Garden One
Lee Gardens North Historic District
Leinster Gardens
Leipzig Botanical Garden
Leipzig Zoological Garden
Lemon Tree (Fool's Garden song)
Lenin Garden, Ufa
Lennox Gardens
Lennox Gardens, London
Letchworth Garden City RUFC
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Liang's Garden
Liliuokalani Botanical Garden
Liliuokalani Park and Gardens
Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden
Lillington Gardens
Limahuli Garden and Preserve
Linden Gardens Trust Ltd v Lenesta Sludge Disposals Ltd
Lingering Garden
Lingnan garden
Linnaean Garden
Lion Grove Garden
Lions in My Own Garden (Exit Someone)
List of attractions at Busch Gardens Tampa
List of Award of Garden Merit camellias
List of Award of Garden Merit clematis
List of Award of Garden Merit dahlias
List of Award of Garden Merit dianthus
List of Award of Garden Merit flowering cherries
List of Award of Garden Merit magnolias
List of Award of Garden Merit maples
List of Award of Garden Merit narcissus
List of Award of Garden Merit rhododendrons
List of Award of Garden Merit roses
List of Award of Garden Merit sweet peas
List of Award of Garden Merit tulips
List of awards and nominations received by Savage Garden
List of botanical gardens
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in California
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Florida
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Illinois
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Massachusetts
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in New Jersey
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in New York
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in North Carolina
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Ohio
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Oregon
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in Pennsylvania
List of botanical gardens and arboretums in South Carolina
List of botanical gardens in Australia
List of botanical gardens in Ecuador
List of botanical gardens in Egypt
List of botanical gardens in Honduras
List of botanical gardens in India
List of botanical gardens in Italy
List of botanical gardens in Mexico
List of botanical gardens in the Czech Republic
List of botanical gardens in the Netherlands
List of botanical gardens in the United Kingdom
List of botanic gardens in Trinidad and Tobago
List of community gardens in Portland, Oregon
List of concerts at TD Garden
List of entertainment events at Madison Square Garden
List of events at Madison Square Garden
List of garden features
List of garden plants
List of gardens in Cornwall
List of gardens in England
List of gardens in Wales
List of gardens of Alsace
List of garden types
List of horticulture and gardening books/publications
List of international cricket centuries at the Eden Gardens
List of In the Night Garden... characters
List of In the Night Garden... episodes
List of landscape gardens
List of mayors of Garden City, Georgia
List of New York City gardens
List of original copies of the Porter Garden Telescope
List of Over the Garden Wall characters
List of parks and gardens in Belfast
List of parks and gardens in Estonia
List of parks and gardens in Hamburg
List of parks and gardens in Karachi
List of parks and gardens in Pakistan
List of parks and gardens in Paris
List of parks and gardens in Tokyo
List of people who have lived in Hampstead Garden Suburb
List of private residents of Covent Garden
List of professional gardeners
List of public art in Covent Garden
List of public art in Kensington Gardens
List of Remarkable Gardens of France
List of sensory gardens
List of ships named Gardenia
List of sites on the National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens
List of snowdrop gardens
List of The Garden of Sinners characters
List of urban public parks and gardens in Hong Kong
List of zoological gardens and aquariums in United Kingdom
Live at Madison Square Garden
Live at Madison Square Garden 1978
Live at Secret Garden
Live at the Boston Garden: April 5, 1968
Live from Madison Square Garden
Live from Madison Square Garden (Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood album)
Living Desert Zoo and Gardens
Liyuan (garden)
Liz Christy Garden
Ljubljana Botanical Garden
Lloyd's Botanical Garden
Lockefield Gardens
Lodi Gardens
London Gardens Trust
Longfellow Zoological Gardens
Longview Gardens Historic District
Longwood Gardens
Lost Gardens of Heligan
Lost in a Garden of Clouds
Louise's Garden
Louise Elizabeth Garden MacLeod
Louisville Gardens
Lou Lim Ieoc Garden
Love Poems for Dying Children... Act II: The Garden of Crystalline Dreams
Lower Fagu Tea Garden
Lower Garden District, New Orleans
Lus de Cames Garden
Luther Burbank Home and Gardens
Lydia Crocheting in the Garden at Marly (Mary Cassatt)
MacDougalSullivan Gardens Historic District
Madeira Botanical Garden
Madhavaram Botanical Garden
Madhu Tea Garden
Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden (1879)
Madison Square Garden (1890)
Madison Square Garden (1925)
Madison Square Garden Bowl
Madison Square Garden Sports
Madonna of the Rose Garden
Madonna of the Rose Garden (Botticelli)
Mag Garden
Maghreb garden dormouse
Magic Garden
Mahamevnwa Gardens
Main Street Garden Park
Majorelle Garden
Makana Botanical Gardens
Makati Park and Garden
Makino Botanical Garden
Malacca Botanical Garden
Mamre Nature Garden
Man'y botanical garden
Manchester Zoological Gardens
Manito Park and Botanical Gardens
Manor Garden Allotments
Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden
Manyo Botanical Garden, Nara
Maple Leaf Gardens
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
Marina Garden Ferry Pier
Marine Gardens
Market Garden
Market garden
Mark Gardener
Mark Newgarden
Marlboro Gardens
Marven Gardens
Marvin Gardens (band)
Mar Vista Gardens
Mary garden
Marylebone Gardens
Masked garden eel
Master gardener program
Master of the Nets Garden
Matthaei Botanical Gardens
Maui Nui Botanical Gardens
Mayfair Gardens
McAllen Botanical Gardens
McBryde Garden
McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens
McGill Rose Garden (Charlotte, North Carolina)
McGovern Centennial Gardens
McKee Botanical Garden
McLean Gardens
Meadow Garden (Augusta, Georgia)
Meadowlark Botanical Gardens
Mecklenburg's Garden
Mehan Garden
Meise Botanic Garden
Melody Garden stop
Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden
Memory Garden
Menara gardens
Mercy's garden eel
Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden
Meteor Garden
Meteor Garden (2018 TV series)
Meteor Garden II
MGM Grand Garden Arena
Miami Garden Club
Miami Gardens, Florida
Michael Bubl Meets Madison Square Garden
Michigan Boulevard Garden Apartments
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Midway Gardens Orchestra
Mie Sports Garden
Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden
Mimic garden eel
Ministry of Botanical Gardens and Public Recreation
Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
Miranda Sex Garden
Missouri Botanical Garden
Mizunomori Water Botanical Garden
Moanalua Gardens
Monastic garden
Monthly Comic Garden
Montreal Botanical Garden
Monument Gardens (Bah World Centre)
Monument to Women Memorial Garden
Moody Gardens
Moorbank Botanic Gardens
Moore-Turner Garden
Moorten Botanical Garden and Cactarium
Morcom Rose Garden
Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
Mosara Garden
Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences
Mossn Costa i Llobera Gardens
Motor Square Garden
Mount Ephraim Gardens
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden
Moutoa Gardens
Mozaffar's Garden
Mughal gardens
Mukjima-Hyakkaen Garden
Mulberry Garden (Ren jezd)
Mulford Gardens, San Leandro, California
Municipal Gardens, Aldershot
Munsinger Gardens and Clemens Gardens
Murder at Covent Garden
Mushthaid Garden
My Garden
Myriad Botanical Gardens
My Secret Garden
Na ina Kai Botanical Gardens
Naamans Gardens, Delaware
Nanjing Botanical Garden, Memorial Sun Yat-Sen
Nantwich Walled Garden
National Botanical Garden
National Botanical Garden of Bangladesh
National Botanical Garden of Georgia
National Botanic Garden of Wales
National Botanic Gardens (Ireland)
National Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh
National Botanic Gardens Shah Alam
National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens
National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden
National Garden, Athens
National garden festival
National Garden of American Heroes
National Gardens Scheme
National Garden, Tehran
National Kandawgyi Botanical Gardens
National Rose Garden
National Tropical Botanical Garden
National Zoological Gardens of Sri Lanka
Nature's Garden
Naylor Gardens
Naypyidaw Water Fountain Garden
Naypyidaw Zoological Gardens
Nelson Garden
Nelson Garden Arena
Nemours Mansion and Gardens
Neskuchny Garden
Ness Botanic Gardens
New Botanic Garden of Gttingen University
New Brunswick Botanical Garden
New Covent Garden Market
New Garden
New Garden Airport
New Garden, Potsdam
Newton Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
New York Botanical Garden
New York Chinese Scholar's Garden
New York Vauxhall Gardens
Nickerson Gardens
Night Garden
Nights in the Gardens of Spain
Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden
Nine Songs from the Garden of Welcome Lies
Nitobe Memorial Garden
Nocturne (Secret Garden song)
No-dig gardening
Nong Nooch Tropical Garden
Norman Gardens, Queensland
Norrviken Gardens
North Andrews Gardens, Florida
North Carolina Botanical Garden
Northernhay Gardens
North Oklahoma Botanical Garden and Arboretum
Northwest Flower and Garden Show
Nothe Gardens
Novar Gardens, South Australia
Nova Taipa Gardens
Oakdale Memorial Gardens
Oaklawn Garden
Oath of the Peach Garden
Obscure garden eel
Octopus's Garden
Odd ygarden
Odessa Botanical Garden
O. James Garden
Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden
kuma Garden
Olbrich Botanical Gardens
Old Botanical Garden, Kiel
Old Botanical Garden of Gttingen University
Old Botanical Garden, Zrich
Old Fig Garden, California
Old Steine Gardens
Olive Garden
Oliver in the Garden
Olu Pua Botanical Garden and Plantation
Omoro Botanical Garden
One Devonshire Gardens
One Piccadilly Gardens
Open Garden
Operation Garden Plot
Operation Market Garden
Operation Market Garden order of battle
Operation Market Garden (video game)
Orange Garden, Rome
Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden
Order of Free Gardeners
Oregon Garden
Oriental garden lizard
Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens
Ornamental Gardens, Ottawa
Orvakal Rock Garden, Kurnool
Osaka Prefectural Flowers Garden
Our Beautiful Garden Is Open
Our Broken Garden
Our Lady of the Enclosed Garden
Outline of organic gardening and farming
Over the Garden Wall
Over the Garden Wall (disambiguation)
ygarden Group
Paca House and Garden
Pacific Undersea Gardens
Padmapuram Gardens
Paine Art Center and Gardens
Palacegarden Malachy
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Palmers Gardenworld
Papatia Botanical Garden
Parable of the Invisible Gardener
Paradise garden
Paradisia Alpine Botanical Garden
Parafield Gardens, South Australia
Park and Tilford Gardens
Parks and gardens in Bratislava
Parks and gardens of Melbourne
Park Seed Company Gardens
Parkway Garden Homes
Parnell Rose Gardens
Parsons Gardens Park
Pattabong Tea Garden
Pattern gardening
Paul Sorensen (landscape gardener)
Paycocke's House and Garden
Peace Garden
Peace Gardens
Pear Garden
Pearson Gardens, U.S. Virgin Islands
Peckover House and Garden
Pelham Gardens, Bronx
Penang Botanic Gardens
Penfield Gardens, South Australia
People's Garden
Perdana Botanical Gardens
Persian gardens
Peter Garden (died 1775)
Petersen Rock Garden
Petra Pool and Garden Complex
Petrified Sea Gardens
Philadelphia's Magic Gardens
Philarmonia Garden
Philippe Gardent
Philosophical garden
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
Phish: New Year's Eve 1995 Live at Madison Square Garden
Phoenix Garden
Phoenix Home & Garden
Physic garden
Piccadilly Gardens
Piccadilly Gardens tram stop
Pinjore Gardens
Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden (Adelaide)
Pitmedden Garden
Pittsburgh Botanic Garden
Pixar Pier and Paradise Gardens Park
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Pleasant Garden, North Carolina
Pleasant Gardens, Indiana
Pleasure garden
Pollinator garden
Pomelo the Garden Elephant
Poobong Tea Garden
Portland Rose Garden
Porto Alegre Botanical Garden
Potomac Gardens
Presby Memorial Iris Gardens
Princes Gardens, Aldershot
Princess Gardens
Princes Street Gardens
Princeton Garden Theatre
Privy Garden of the Palace of Whitehall
Promenade Gardens
Prospect Lefferts Gardens
Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg
Pua Mau Place Arboretum and Botanical Garden
Public Garden
Public Garden (EP)
Public Gardens, Hyderabad
Pukeiti (gardens)
Pune-Okayama Friendship Garden
Purwodadi Botanical Garden
Python (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay)
Qiuxia Garden
Quaker Gardens, Islington
Quarryhill Botanical Garden
Queen's Gardens, Croydon
Queen's Gardens, Hull
Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden
Queens Garden (restaurant)
Queens Gardens
Queens Gardens, Brisbane
Queens Gardens, Dunedin
Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden
Queen Victoria Gardens
Quito Botanical Garden
QUT Gardens Point ferry wharf
Radnor Gardens
Rain garden
Raised-bed gardening
Rajouri Garden (Vidhan Sabha constituency)
Ram Niwas Garden
Ramsay Garden
Ranelagh Gardens
Rangpur Cricket Garden
Rapperswil Rose Gardens
Raritan Gardens, New Brunswick
Rashtriya Dalit Prerna Sthal and Green Garden
Ravina Gardens
Read House and Garden
Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
Red Dick's Potato Garden
Red Garden
Red House Museum and Gardens, Christchurch
Redondo Beach via Gardena Line
Regent, Royal and Carlton Terrace Gardens
Regional Garden Show
Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England
Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Rembrandt Gardens
Ren Moawad Garden
Renziehausen Park Rose Garden and Arboretum
Retreat & Reflection Garden
Reykjavk Botanic Garden
Reynolda Gardens
Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden
RHS Garden Harlow Carr
RHS Garden Hyde Hall
RHS Garden Rosemoor
RHS Garden, Wisley
Richard and Annette Bloch Cancer Survivors Garden
Rikugi-en Gardens
Rimba Ilmu Botanical Gardens
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden
Rio de Janeiro Zoological Garden
Ritsurin Garden
Rock Creek Gardens
Rocket garden
Rock garden
Rock Garden, Calhoun
Rock garden (disambiguation)
Rock Garden of Chandigarh
Rock the Garden
Roger Turner (garden designer)
Roji-en Japanese Gardens
Rokk Alpine Botanical Garden
Roman gardens
Roman Ingarden
Roman Stanisaw Ingarden
Ron Gardenhire
Rongxing Garden Park
Ronning Gardens
Roof garden
Roosevelt Gardens, Florida
RoscoeDunaway Gardens Historic District
Rose and Jasmine Garden
Rosedale Gardens Historic District
Rose Garden
Rose garden
Rose Garden (album)
Rose Garden arena bankruptcy
Rose Garden, Coburg
Rose Garden (Joe South song)
Rose Garden Palace
Rose Garden, San Jose
Rosehill Gardens Racecourse
Rosenborg Castle Gardens
Rosiers Joseph Migneret Garden
Rotary Botanical Gardens
RotchJonesDuff House and Garden Museum
Rougemont Gardens
Rough Around the Edges: Live from Madison Square Garden
Round and Round the Garden
Roundhay Garden Scene
Rowallane Garden
Royal Botanical Gardens (Ontario)
Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Royal Botanic Gardens
Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney
Royal Garden in Krakw
Royal Gardens
Royal Gardens, Edmonton
Royal National Rose Society Gardens
Royal Pump Room Gardens
Royal Surrey Gardens
Ranka Rose Garden
Rubislaw and Queens Terrace Gardens
Rudolph Grotto Gardens
Ruili Botanical Garden
Russell Gardens, New York
Rutgers Gardens
Sabatini Gardens
Sackville Gardens
Sadie Seymour Botanical Gardens
Safe in My Garden
Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden, Ely Rents and Ely Place
Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Saint Petersburg Botanical Garden
Sait Garden (Ishinomaki)
Sakharov Gardens
Sakkarbaug Zoological Garden
Salisbury Woodland Gardens, Blackpool
Samuel Cocking Garden
San Antonio Japanese Tea Garden
San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation Demonstration Garden
San Diego Botanic Garden
San Fernando Gardens
San Francisco Botanical Garden
San Jose Municipal Rose Garden
San Pedro via Gardena Line
Saramsa Garden
Sarmatova Garden
Sasebo Zoological Park and Botanical Garden
Savage Garden
Savage Garden (disambiguation)
Savage Garden (Savage Garden album)
Savage Garden (The 69 Eyes album)
Savage House and Garden
Savill Garden
Savoy Castle Alpine Botanical Garden
Saxon Garden
Saxony-Anhalt Garden Dreams
Sayen Park Botanical Garden
Scented Gardens for the Blind
Schedel Arboretum and Gardens
Schynige Platte Alpine Garden
Scotland's Gardens
Scrap Garden
Sculpture garden
Sculptures in the Schnbrunn Garden
Seacombe Gardens, South Australia
Sea Garden (Varna)
Seattle Chinese Garden
Seattle Japanese Garden
Seattle Youth Garden Works
Seaview Gardens
Secret Garden
Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Colouring Book
Secret Garden (duo)
Secret Garden Party
Secret Garden (Singaporean TV series)
Secret Garden (South Korean TV series)
Sedgwick Gardens
Seethawaka Botanical Garden
Seminary Garden
Seneca Gardens, Kentucky
Sensory garden
Serangoon Garden
Serangoon Gardens Single Member Constituency
Serenus the Gardener
Servamp: Alice in the Garden
S. Francisco Garden
Shade garden
Shakespeare garden
Shalamar Gardens, Lahore
Shalimar Gardens
Sharp-nose garden eel
Sheffield Park Garden
Sheffield Winter Garden
Sherway Gardens
Sherwood Gardens
Shields Date Gardens
Shofuso Japanese House and Garden
Shuihui Garden
Sidewinder (Elitch Gardens)
Singapore Botanic Gardens
Sioufi Garden
Sir Charles Nicholson, 1st Baronet, of Harrington Gardens
Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden
Sissinghurst Castle Garden
Sizergh Castle and Garden
Sky garden
Skyride (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay)
Slow gardening
Songs and Views of the Magnetic Garden
Sonnenberg Gardens
Sophia Gardens
Sophia Gardens (cricket ground)
Soundgarden discography
South Carolina Botanical Garden
Southern Federal University's botanical garden
South Mountain Botanical Garden
Southport Winter Gardens
South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center
Southwest Garden, St. Louis
Spanish garden
Speckled garden eel
Spiritual Garden (album)
Spirogyra Butterfly Farm Park Garden
Spotted garden eel
Springfield Gardens, Queens
Spring Garden
Spring Garden, Alabama
Spring Garden, California
Spring Garden College
Spring Garden, Philadelphia
Spring Garden Street
Spring Garden Street Bridge
Spring Garden-Terra Verde, Texas
Spring Garden Township
Square foot gardening
Sri Garden
St Alphage Garden
Stanhope Gardens, New South Wales
Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens
St. Ann's Well Gardens, Hove
Star Flyer (Tivoli Gardens)
Stirling Gardens
St John's Gardens
St John's Gardens, Cardiff
St Jude's Church, Hampstead Garden Suburb
St Kilda Botanical Gardens
St. Lucia Botanical Gardens
St Luke's Church, Redcliffe Gardens
St Martin Gardens
St. Mary's Gardens
Stockholm Finance Ltd v Garden Holdings Inc
Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival
St Paul's, Covent Garden
St Paul Covent Garden
St Peter's Hospital, Covent Garden
Strange Gardens
St. Raphael's Edible Garden
Straume, ygarden
Street names of Covent Garden
St Thomas' Peace Garden
Sturt Street Gardens
St Vincent Gardens
Suig Sawara Aquatic Botanical Garden
Sukh Chayn Gardens
Sukhumi Botanical Garden
Sukorambi Botanical Garden
Summer Garden
Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013
Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens
Sunken Gardens
Sunken Garden United F.C.
Sunnyside Gardens, Queens
Sun Picture Gardens
Sunshine (Miranda Sex Garden EP)
Sun Valley Gardens
Surprise Gardener
Surrey Gardens
Susan Garden, Baroness Garden of Frognal
Sustainable gardening
Swan Lake Iris Gardens
Sydney Gardens
Sydney Gardens Tunnels
Taipei Botanical Garden
Taiping Lake Gardens
Tales from Fat Tulip's Garden
Tales of The Kama Sutra: The Perfumed Garden
Talkatora Gardens
Talk:Balamb Garden
Tallinn Botanic Garden
Tama Forest Science Garden
Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden
Tanglewood Park Arboretum and Rose Garden
Tariq Garden collapse
Tarot Garden
Taylor's garden eel
Taynitsky Garden
TD Garden
Tea garden
Tea-garden community of Assam
Tea Gardens, New South Wales
Teargarden by Kaleidyscope
Teban Gardens
Teegarden's Star
Teegarden's Star b
Teegarden's Star c
Teegarden & Van Winkle
Tehran Zoological Garden
Telford Gardens
Telus Garden
Temi Tea Garden
Temple Gardens Hotel & Spa
Terrace garden
The Alnwick Garden
The Artist's Garden at Giverny
The Ash Garden
The Avant Gardeners
The Beales of Grey Gardens
The Beechgrove Garden
The Blue Gardenia
The Book of the Hanging Gardens
The Botanic Garden
The Botanic Garden of Smith College
The Bush Garden
The Cement Garden
The Constant Gardener
The Covent-Garden Journal
The Covent-Garden Tragedy
The Creatures in the Garden of Lady Walton
The Doll in the Garden: A Ghost Story
The Forbidden Garden (novel)
The Garden
The Garden (1977 film)
The Garden (1995 film)
The Garden (2017 film)
The Garden (Australia Too song)
The Garden (band)
The Garden (Bran Van 3000 album)
The Garden Company Limited
The Garden Conservancy
The Gardener
The Gardener's Labyrinth
The Gardener's Magazine
The Gardener (1912 film)
The Gardener (1974 film)
The Gardener (2012 film)
The Gardener of Argenteuil
The Gardeners' Chronicle
The Gardeners Dictionary
The Gardeners of America/Men's Garden Clubs of America
The Garden Festival
The Garden Gang
The Garden (journal)
The Garden Left Behind
The Garden (Merril Bainbridge album)
The Garden of Aunt Isabel
The Garden of Cyrus
The Garden of Delights
The Garden of Earthly Delights
The Garden of Eden (1998 film)
The Garden of Eden (novel)
The Garden of Eden (song)
The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man
The Garden of Forking Paths
The Garden of God
The Garden of Jane Delawney
The Garden of Last Days
The Garden of Mirrors
The Garden of Proserpine
The Garden of Rama
The Garden of Sinners
The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder Part 1
The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder Part 2
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
The Garden of Women
The Garden of Words
The Garden of Your Heart
The Garden Party (short story collection)
The Gardens at SIUE
The Gardens at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve
The Gardens, Auckland
The Gardens Between
The Gardens Greyhound and Sporting Complex
The Gardens Ice House
The Gardens, Johannesburg
The Gardens Mall
The Gardens of Light
The Gardens of Murcia (1936 film)
The Gardens of the American Rose Center
The Garden Spider
The Garden That Tilts
The Garden Tomb
The Garden Village, Kingston upon Hull
The Garden: Visions of Paradise
The Garden Was Full of Moon
The General's Garden
The Good Gardens Guide
The Good Witch's Garden
The Grand Garden
The Hanging Garden (film)
The Hanging Garden (song)
The Hatton Garden Job
The Hollywood Sculpture Garden
The John Fairey Garden
The King of Marvin Gardens
The Latter Five Poets of the Southern Garden
The Love of Don Perlimpln and Belisa in the Garden
The Machine in Neptune's Garden
The Machine in the Garden
The Magic Garden
The Magic Garden (TV series)
The Mills at Jersey Gardens
The Old Garden
The Orchid Gardener
The Painted Garden
The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen
The Perfumed Garden
The Pleasure Garden
The Pleasure Garden (1925 film)
The Pleasure Garden (1953 film)
The Pleasure Garden (1961 film)
The Plum Garden
The Profitable Arte of Gardening
The Quiet Garden Trust
Therapeutic garden
There Is A Garden In Her Face
The Roxy (Covent Garden)
The Samurai's Garden
The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden (1987 film)
The Secret Garden (1993 film)
The Secret Garden (TV series)
The Solar Garden
The Swing in the Garden
The Tamil Literary Garden
The Tear Garden
The Torture Garden
The UnderGarden
The Unholy Garden
The Unicorn in the Garden
The Victory Garden (comics)
The Victory Garden (TV program)
The Weeding of Covent Garden
The Weir Garden
This Lush Garden Within
Thomas Gardener
Three Great Gardens of Japan
Tiger Balm Garden
Tiger Balm Garden (Hong Kong)
Tikapur Great Garden
Timioara Zoological Garden
Timothy Garden, Baron Garden
Tin Shed Garden Cafe
Tintinhull Garden
Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen, Denmark
Tivoli Gardens F.C.
Tivoli Gardens, Kingston
Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho
Tom's Midnight Garden
Toorak Gardens, South Australia
Torture Garden
Torture Garden (fetish club)
Tower Hill Botanic Garden
Trauttmansdorff Castle Gardens
Treasury Gardens
Trelissick Garden
Trengwainton Garden
Tresco Abbey Gardens
Trial garden
Tricia's garden eel
Trinity Gardens, South Australia
Truly Madly Completely: The Best of Savage Garden
Tsinghua Garden
Tudor House and Garden
Tuileries Garden
Tunduru Gardens
Tpare (garden)
UBC Botanical Garden
UKTV Gardens
Ulmus parvifolia 'Garden City Clone'
Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum
Union of Czech and Slovak Zoological Gardens
Union Park Gardens, Wilmington, Delaware
Unison Square Garden
University Botanical Garden (Oslo)
University Gardens, New York
University Gardens Seahawks
University of Alberta Botanic Garden
University of Bristol Botanic Garden
University of California Botanical Garden
University of Copenhagen Botanical Garden
University of Dundee Botanic Garden
University of Ferrara Botanic Garden
University of Garden City
University of Helsinki Botanical Garden
University of KwaZulu-Natal Botanical Garden
University of Leicester Botanic Garden
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Botanical Gardens
University of Oxford Botanic Garden
University of Rhode Island Botanical Gardens and Everett P. Christopher Arboretum
University of Uppsala Botanical Garden
Untermyer Park and Gardens
Urban Council Centenary Garden
Urban gardening
Usedom Botanical Gardens, Mellenthin
Utrecht University Botanic Gardens
Utsav Rock Garden
Vcrtt Botanical Garden
Val Gardena
Valley Arena Gardens
Valley Gardens (album)
Valley Gardens, Louisville
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Vasco da Gama Garden
Vauxhall Gardens
Veale Gardens
Vegan organic gardening
Venice Gardens, Florida
Ventnor Botanic Garden
Vrmane Garden
Victoria Botanical Gardens
Victoria Embankment Gardens
Victoria Gardens
Victoria Gardens Cultural Center
Victoria Gardens (Rancho Cucamonga)
Victory Garden
Victory garden
Victory Garden, Macau
Victory Gardens
Victory Gardens, New Jersey
View of the Garden of the Villa Medici
Villa Borghese gardens
Vincent Gardenia
Violet Evergarden
Viote Alpine Botanical Garden
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
Vortex Garden
Vrtba Garden
Vytautas Magnus University Botanical Garden
Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens
WagnerRitter House & Garden
Wah Gardens
Walled garden
Walter Hill (garden curator)
Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden
Walton Lea Walled Garden
Washington Gardens
Waterboat House Garden
Water garden
Watergardens Town Centre
Waterperry Gardens
Wavertree Botanic Gardens
Weeki Wachee Gardens, Florida
Wellfield Botanic Gardens
Wellington Botanic Garden
Welwyn Garden City
Welwyn Garden City F.C.
Welwyn Garden City rail crashes
West Garden Grove, Garden Grove, California
Westminster Palace Gardens
Whampoa Garden
When I Live by the Garden and the Sea
WhiddenKerr House and Garden
White House Rose Garden
White House vegetable garden
White Point Garden
White-ring garden eel
Whitespotted garden eel
Whitley Gardens, California
Whose Garden Was This
Wildlife garden
William Brownie Garden
William Garden
William Garden Blaikie
William Martin (garden designer)
William Miranda Marn Botanical and Cultural Garden
William Robinson (gardener)
Will Rogers Gardens
Windsor Gardens
Windsor Gardens, Chatswood
Winterbourne Botanic Garden
Winter Garden
Winter garden
Winter Garden (2015 album)
Winter Garden at Exposition Hall
Winter Garden Downtown Historic District
Winter Garden, Florida
Winter Garden Heritage Foundation
Winter Garden Region
Winter Gardens, Blackpool
Winter Gardens (Bordighera)
Winter Gardens, California
Winter Gardens (Cleethorpes)
Winter Gardens Theatre
Winter Garden Theatre
Winter Garden Theatre (1850)
Winter Garden Theatre (London) Ltd v Millennium Productions Ltd
Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library
W. J. Beal Botanical Garden
Wollongong Botanic Garden
Woman's National Farm & Garden Association
Woman in the Garden
Women in the Garden
Woodlawn Garden of Memories Cemetery
Woodstock Back to the Garden: The Definitive 50th Anniversary Archive
Woodville Gardens, South Australia
World Botanical Gardens
World Horti-Expo Garden
World Naked Gardening Day
Worshipful Company of Gardeners
Worth Park Gardens
Wrigley Botanical Gardens
Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden
WWE Live from Madison Square Garden
WWE Madison Square Garden Classics
Wyevale Garden Centres
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Yadanabon Zoological Gardens
Yalta Memorial Garden
Yangon Zoological Gardens
Yellow garden eel
Yerevan Botanical Garden
York Museum Gardens
Yuengling Bicentennial Park and Gardens
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden
Yu Garden
Zagreb Botanical Garden
Zakir Hussain Rose Garden
Zebra garden eel
Zhan Garden (Nanjing)
Zhang Qing (Gardener)
Zoo and Botanical Garden of Branfr
Zoological Garden, Alipore
Zoological Garden of Hamburg
Zoological Garden of Monaco
Zoro Garden

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